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« Me at Urbanscapes 2012 | Need. Sleep. »

A Nice Scratch

It came as a surprise when I saw what happened to the front passenger door of my car. I couldn't believe it at first. I never had any problem with the Doctor's car park at my hospital. But there it was. A juicy looking foot long scratch on the door.

Not a particularly deep one. And I suspected the door just needed a touch-up. But it deserved a trip to the Security Office. They had a look at the CCTV but unfortunately there was none places specifically looking at where my car was parked.

There were plenty of people using short cuts passing through the Doctor's parking area especially in the morning. Couldn't say that it was here when it happened but I would have seen the scratch if it had happened before I arrived at work this morning.

Ah well. It happened some times. I told the Security folks to be vigilant as it may not be happening in isolation. Pity if the Boss' Porsche suffered the same fate ......

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