I Look Chinese

Idlan woke up at 5 this morning coughing and sneezing, an couldn't stop rubbing his eyes. He then suddenly screamed saying that his eyes won't open. He jumped out of the bed, switched the lights on and was still screaming. From the cough, I can tell that his asthma was playing up. Irfan had been having sniffles for the last few days, and it won't be such a surprise if Idlan were to have one as well.
I then took out his inhalers and was shocked to see his face. It was swollen, especially below the eyes. He could hardly opened his eyes, and I then asked if he has problem swallowing. "It felt stuck". A quick listen to his chest. Wheeze. A couple of ventolin puffs, and off we went to Gleneagles.
Four more puffs ensued, and by that time, he was breathing a lot better and started joking. "My eyes look like Chinese, Mum". Indeed it did.
His wheezing was better at the Casualty and I gave a couple more puffs for good measure. No temperature and he had been sneezing non-stop. Antihistamines, eye-drops, inhalers and some antibiotics should do the trick.
He was back at home, and would be missing school today. I'm having breakfast at work at the minute, but this being a Wednesday, I should have a free morning. Might go home and give him a quick look. Still wondering what triggered it.

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