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Entries in fever (35)


Rough Week

It started last week when I admitted 3 patients with influenza B infection. Took all the usual precautions, but by the next morning, I started feeling pain in my muscles. That was too soon to start blaming the patients.

The the second day, I felt like closing clinic but I had to soldier on. My voice was also started going, but at least my colleagues were back on duty. I didn't have to cover them much longer. Saturday came and went. It was not until Sunday when I started to improve. And then it was time for another call on Monday.

It was towards the end of the week now and I was feeling back to myself. Another call on Friday before having some time off next week, heading to Kuala Terengganu for my cousin's wedding. And then the MSH Meeting in Johor Bharu after that. It is going to be an exciting fortnight ...

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Idlan was not Well

After vomiting in the car on the way home earlier, Idlan managed to take in some food and medicine before again feeling tired. By the time we were ready for berbuka, he was already asleep.

He was still sleeping when I checked on him just now before I myself retire. I will be on call tomorrow and planning for an early night.

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The Boys are Absent

Both the boys had a rough night last night. It all started with Irfan. He had been having sniffles since Friday, and yesterday had been coughing incessantly. And last night Idlan had been sneezing non-stop, having nosebleed this morning.

It looked like they had to step up their medications with Irfan needing antibiotics. But surprisingly, the starting running and jumping as soon as I said they didn't have to go to school today.

The boys in their elements last weekLater, Anita would bring them to see our family Doctor, Uncle Lim. He hasn't seen the boys for ages. They better start faking being sick otherwise Uncle Lim won't issue an MC!

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Back on his Feet

Idlan was much better and today, both of the boys went to see the Paediatrician - right next door from the apartment - for check-up. Irfan was due for his jab as well. And he took it like a man - helped by the promise of a big tub of ice cream after that!

Idlan duly completed his Lego set - an AT-AT from Star Wars - in a single afternoon. He was having trouble getting the bricks upright but had since sorted that problem out.

Irfan devouring his tub of ice creamWhat the final product would hopefully look likeHard at itNever knew the Force is into FerrariBeing post-call, we decided to stay indoors tonight, watching TV. We just watched an episode of Downton Abbey just now while the boys were occupied in their rooms. Time for me to call it the evening as well and have some proper sleep ....

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Catching the Bug

After the hospital visit to see his cousin Sarah the other day who was down with dengue, Idlan seemed to have been hit by a bug.

He was up last night with fever and diarrhoea. Poor boy. He was absent from school this morning - much to the displeasure of Irfan - and was resting at home with his grandfather.

I will be heading to Gleneagles after this to join Anita to visit Sarah again. She might be discharged later today. Hopefully Idlan would also settle by then.

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