Welcome Back

After 22 years in England, Itul finally returned to Malaysia for good, and would be reporting to work next week at my old place, UMMC. She had been back since before Raya but we only get to meet her last week, and again during Syahril's open house in Bangi last Sunday. It was the last for the day for us after having food earlier at another friend's house. No wonder I put on a few kgs.
She was understandably apprehensive, which reminded me when I reported for duty at Universiti Malaya some time ago now. It seemed like ages ago. I was not really sure what to expect, how my new colleagues would be like and in the first six months, it was certainly a shock to the system - both good and bad - from time to time. There were bad habits which I picked up since, but it was part of assimilating into a new work culture.
I made the transition - with some pain and headache, but I was glad that I did. I certainly returned to Malaysia at the right time, with starting a family as well as my Dad-in-law's heart condition. I was sure things would pan out just as well for Itul.
All the very best!

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