The Morning After

Alhamdulillah, Irfan had a comfortable nights although he woke up a couple of times, not in pain, just making sure that he was in the right position. He was worried that he would turn to his side while asleep, and cause pain on the cut. No creaming, although he woke up extra early in the morning.
As for me and Anita, both of us were able to get some rest. Anita had a bit of a sniffle, more due to the worry that she had. She was glad that everything went OK. I cancelled my clinic today, an only left for work at around 10 in the morning. Irfan was properly awake by then.
After my rounds were done, I was surprised that Irfan was able to walk around at the hall, only with his top of course. No pain, except when he was passing urine. It stung a bit, but he would live .....
Appetite? Not half. He ate plenty already, and wanted more. No vomiting. We just let him play around during the day to tire him out before sleeping tonight. It looked like all of us would be sleeping at the lounge again. I have cancelled my afternoon clinic, an should be able to reach home early after the Friday prayers.
I would be on call on Saturday, when he would be at the hospital for his follow-up.
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