JB Bound

I could only escape from work after 5, racing home to be able to leave by 6. Everyone was already set to leave, the luggage already in the trunk of the MPV. All I had to do was change, get all my personal things into the car, and JB here we come!
Traffic was light all the way and we stopped at Ayer Keroh for Maghrib and a quick bite. We finally checked in into our hotel room, Thistle at 10.30. And the room was great. It was actually an apartment unit, and excited the boy actually helped us unpack while waiting for room service.
The journey was smoother than we expected although we had the usual commotion in the car. That was predictable with the two boys. Excited with the spanking shiny hotel when we arrived, they became hyper again. And this continued until well past midnight.
As usual, Daddy had to sleep at the living room. Luckily, the sofa was generously big and we didn't have to ask for an extra bed. The sofa, plus an extra blanket did me nicely. And the boys were still jumping around when I dozed off. Boundless energy these kids!

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