
I wanted to catch this movie when it was playing in the cinema but for some reason, I didn't have the chance to do so. In the end, I got a copy of this movie at my usual supplier and watched it last night.
It was a foreign, uncensored copy and it was more violent than I bargained for. But the plot was rather interesting, although I felt that the director could have taken a different approach to the storytelling. As it was, the plot seemed rather straightforward and predictable.
It revolved around Matt Damon's character, a petty criminal who chose a straight path. After an incident at his workplace, he had to return to his underworld past as he had only 5 days to live without treatment at a future habitat in Earth's orbit populated by the wealthy ala Wall-E.
The journey to get there formed the bulk of the plot, when he came across a childhood crush. They ended up helping each other out, leading him making the ultimate sacrifice.
The special effect was top-notch and the acting was appropriate for the characters and the cast were fantastic. Unfortunately the payback at the end was rather predictable. The backstory offered so much more and the screenwriter could've told the story from a different perspective, rather than taking a narrow look to the story development. The stake felt lighter than it ought to be due to the choices the director took.
As for the violence, I felt that some of them was not warranted and did little to progress the plot. It was pure gore and indulgence in the end.
I would definitely recommended it for the sci-fi fans such as myself, but a summer blockbuster this may be not. The story arch could've been different and itbwoukd have served the audience better. The backstory definitely was stronger than what was portrayed in the film. And I could boldly suggests that they could've developed it into a TV series in the future. Have a look and see if you agree...
Reader Comments (2)
Actually, Dr. What I feel is the movie portrayed how medical care in Malaysia is being given.
The rich may afford all the private healthcare they need and want, and the latest technological developments. But the poor have no choice but to go to the government hospitals where the queues are long and the people are overworked.
Hmm! Interesting thought. But I wished that the choice for the wealthy is a bit more like Elysium as portrayed. The problem here is, even the middle income group are relying on their insurance or work coverage to afford private care. Everybody is squeezed. The Government hospitals will continue to have to shoulder these extra burden as we moved on. Nobody now can afford private healthcare straight out of their own pocket, like they used to.