Oblivious about Oblivion

I am sometimes guilty when it comes to selecting movies to watch. And Oblivion was definitely one of these movies which I watched for the special effects and the SciFi genre of the movie. So, I went to Gurney Plaza last night to catch one of the shows after dinner. After all, I was a bit bored in the room and fancy a bit of a drive. With low expectations, I bought the ticket.
Yes, the special effect was spectacular, but I wasn't quite prepared for the quality of the storyline. I watched Prometheus last year with high expectations and felt that I got shortchanged.
Oblivion reminded me of one of the recent classic which I watch, a film by Spike Jones called Moon. The theme being isolation seemed to resonate, and the twist which it offered were almost similar.
The scenery, and the sound effects were amazingly atmospheric. Even haunting at times.
This being a Tom Cruise flick would provide some corny storyline to some of the scene, but on the whole, I found the story intriguing. With the low expectations I had entering the cinema, I certainly got my money's worth.
For all you SciFi junky out there, do give Oblivion a go. It was certainly better then the recent GI Joe flick .......
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