Better Today?

Was it any better today compared to the day before? Well, the visibility was almost the same, but the pungent smell that was driving me dizzy the day before was gone. The air was now more bearable.
Can't really see the sun in the morning
Notice at Bangsar VIllage II
Sunlight finally breaking through by the afternoonThe boys' school were still closed, so I actually joined them for lunch at Bangsar this afternoon. I was late though but luckily managed to get a parking spot still. Even though the normal schools were already opened, I spot many school children around with their parents during lunch. It was very likely that the parents took the day off anticipating school to be closed, and it was opened instead, they might as well made the day out of it. The air was still unhealthy to be quite honest. School being opened also meant heavy traffic in the morning.
It started to become cloudy - not that I realised it - come late afternoon and before ling, I could see thunder and lightning in the horizon. Rain was coming. The bad thing was, it inky lasted about ten minutes. It wasn't enough to wash the haze away ....
Hopefully tomorrow would be better .....

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