It's Friday

The week seem to have breezed through really fast. And it had been one of those productive week where I really got plenty done.
And this had also been the longest stint I had without beeping on call for a long time.
From last month, I have reduced my General Medical commitment at work and contrasting more on Haematology. Alhamdulillah, I had been busier but more focused. The majority of my inpatient now were with Haematology diseases and I got plenty of satisfaction in getting them sorted out.
I am still in the rota and will be on call this Sunday. But now, my calls were pretty spaced out and should I do a couple of duties close together, I had plenty of breathing after that.
This wedding also marked my wedding anniversary and Anita planned a nice dinner tomorrow. Looking forward to that.
At the meantime, I planned to get more stuff done tonight, plenty of reading, plus an early night ...
Rainy Hazard
Peak hour traffic in the heavy rain was never fun. There might be water logged road, slow traffic and slick driving surface. There is another hazard in Lembah Kelang however especially on the highways.
They smart danger in clearest of weather but during rain, they tended to stop as a group under shades of bridges. This morning, they occupied the two left lanes along Federal Highway under a few of the bridges as I was making my way to work.
Federal Highway has their own motorcycle lanes but they were not well maintained and tended to be closed at areas where constructions were going on - which in KL meant everywhere! Ten year back, motorcycles were banned on rolled inner city highways. But the ban had been lifted since. They use the highway for free and weaving in-between the fast lanes will create problem.
A few months back there we're mbps ends where a car ploughed into this crowd of cyclists causing a few deaths. I guessed the lessons were never learned ... I am not campaigning that they were banned again but a solution must be found and the way I see it, they need a dedicated lane for themselves as well as proper shade stops during rain. Good luck to that ...