Irfan's New Mac

Since last year, the boys had been asking for their own computers. Irfan especially had been nagging me. He wanted an iMac, similar to mine. But mine was already four years-old. We had to get a brand-new one then.
Idlan would have to wait until later as we didn’t have space for two desktops. I must say that the new iMac were some slick machine. I would have to save for my Mac Pro as the shop only carry the first editions, and they were having some memory module issues with that batch. Not many shops in town had them in stock yet.
As usual, taking the computer out from the packaging was a ritual in itself. No other company paid this much attention to the packaging. Even though it looked complicated, one just had to follow the instructions, and before you knew it, walla ….
And I would have to do the dirty work ...Idlan would be using my old iMac, and they and their classmate had already planned a Minecraft party this weekend. Online of course. And Irfan already had Skype set up in his computer. Idlan had already had his for quite some time …
Looked like they would be staying in this weekend. The internet seemed to be the issue though as it was slow. I may have to bring the iMac to the apartment for updates at some stage.
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