The Martian

The last time I felt excited about a movie was while anticipating "Interstellar". It was an interesting enough movie as a concept but it ended up being rather heavy and technical, similar to the previous Anthony Nolan movies. It had many layers and I couldn't help leaving the theatre in a state of wonderment. Certainly it was not what I expected in terms of narrative.
A couple of the actors from that movie, Jessica Chastain and Matt Damon teamed up again in The Martian, and with Ridley Scott behind the cameras, I was worried that this will again be another "Prometheus".
Luckily it wasn't this time around. What we got here was a future classic although I must admit the science behind the movie was rather suspect. Certainly Interstellar was more compelling. More or less, it was certainly a ride, and the fact that Anita was not the kind of person who enjoyed sci-fi, she was carried away at times.
Certainly the nerd in me connected with the movie and I do not have any hesitation in recommending this movie. It was certainly much lighter than both Prometheus and Interstellar.

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