The Flowers

The next part of the farm, by the exit went through some gorgeous garden. Anita spent the most amount of time here while the children was sitting down, with me being the designated photographer.
The flowers were fresh and the air was a tonic from the haze we were having in town in the past few weeks. I ended up sitting at one of the benches and if it was not for the children yearning for ice cream, I would have sat there for another hour. It was Sunday afternoon after all.
Surprisingly the place was not as crowded as I was feared and we had some time to kill. Again, the place was really clean and the staff were really friendly. Very well-maintained and would definitely be recommending it to friends.
After around half an hour of taking photos, it was time to go. It was a shame that I did not bring my macro lens. It would have been a nice opportunity to try it out with the new A7R mark II. Well, I had to cope with just the Summicron-M 50. It did the job nicely although the bokeh was rather harsh …

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