Back to Gombak

It was a balik kampung of sorts. Even though Anita came here almost daily at her mother's house. Today, we packed our stuffs from the apartment, pillows included for the big journey - 20 minutes drive sans traffic - and head off to Gombak. I will be off from Thursday onwards for the whole week for the Eid celebrations.
We couldn't make it in one trip, ended up returning for another pick-up after berbuka tonight.
It would be hard work in the coming couple of days, followed by a drive to Penang on Saturday to spend three nights there. I will be bringing my in-laws there for a break, and my parents and sister would be going to Penang as well maybe on Sunday.
The boys as usual were never too enthusiastic when it came to travelling although they loved Eastern and Oriental from the last trip. We would be staying there again this weekend.
Anita would be cooking spaghetti and soto ayam tomorrow for Raya. Rumours has it a few of our MRSM friends would be visiting on Friday. It would be a smashing day then, in more ways than one.
Time to unpack ...

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