A Hazy Outing

I had to settle some business in town and ended up walking in town in the worsening haze this afternoon. The API - Air Pollution Index - was around 120 in central KL at the time, well into the unhealthy range.
After the business was taken care of and a spot of lunch, I decided to have a quick walk towards Low Yat - none-the-less - to have a look at a few things. I brought my camera along to see how different the cityscape looked like.
Spare some thoughts to this working in this condition
I was walking without a mask and by the time I reached Low Yat, my throat had already felt the irritation. I stopped for a drink - indoors of course - before walking on. Had a look at a few items before returning back to Pavilion where I parked. There was an event by KakiSeni going on, plus other campaigns and roadshow taking place in the open. How I pity those sales people having to endure such elements.
By the time I drove home, it was already threatening to rain. The haze was still lingering thick after the rain was done and we decided it would be no school for both Idlan and Irfan tomorrow. Another day of havoc at home! We found out that other parents had also decided against bringing their children in due to the bad air quality. Should the situation deteriorates, even the school may be closed ...

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