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Entries in Adios (1)


Tokidoki is Italian?

Passing by Fahrenheit the other day, I couldn't help but notice some cute characters at the front entrance. I then ventured inside to find this collection of cute anime-like characters. I swore that they were Japanese.

When I reached home, I started reading about it while I was uploading the photos onto Flickr. They were created by an Italian designer, heavily influenced by the Japanese cutesy anime drawings. And they were extensive.

The one which caught my eye was the appropriately named Adios the Grim Reaper. On one hand, he carried an apple and on the scythe, he had a strawberry. Don't know how to make sense of that one, but cute none the less. Other characters also followed on the same vein.

There were unicorns, donuts and monkeys to describe a few. Best to just read about them on the web. It would make more sense there.

They had original arts and merchandise on sale at the foyer. I should have brought some but couldn't be asked to carry the purchase about. Maybe next time ...

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