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Entries in Aidil Fitri 2013 (8)


Satay Seri Melaka

My Mum told me about this satay stall in Keramat which took orders and supply satay to party at reasonable price, and more importantly good tasting satay. We decided to try. And Anita was impressed enough that she ordered a whole lot of it for the Raya open house at her Mum's place.

The stall was called Satay Sri Melaka. They operate from their regular stall at AU5, complete with a long grill equipped with fans.

We had to pre-order and picked up the satay the afternoon before. Then we quickly froze them and reheat them in batches today for the visitors. I didn't wait long and actually had some for berbuka last night.

They were quite dear at 90 sen a stick, but compared to the cheaper imitations, it was well worth it. The peanut sauce which cane with them were also heavenly. Great combination. Much better than their Kajang btethrens who were usually overhyped, if not overpriced. No need to travel to Kajang when you could get satay this good just round the corner.

Our lotWhen we arrived to pick up our order, we saw the satay already prepared in packages across a long table at the stall, all labeled with the buyers details. We soon got our order just by showing our receipts. No messing about.

I don't think that they had any branches elsewhere. If you were interested to visit, the stall would be along a Medan Selera area next to the AU5 Multipurpose Hall. If you were from MRR2, by taking the Jalan Keramat heading to Taman Permata, the stall would be on your left hand side right after the hall.

Alternatively, just punch these coordinates into your GPS.

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Selamat Hari Raya

Selamat Hari Raya. It was a really nice day, getting to spend it with my family without any distraction from work for a change. And I started my day with the visit to the mosque, just a five minute drive from my house.

We were lucky that we were there early as before long, the place soon filled up. And the caretaker forgotten to open up then third floor of the praying area. He already left for his kampung the evening before. Plenty of people ended up having to pray on the pavement outside. Luckily it wasn't raining although it threatened to do so.

As soon as we reached home, it was time for the morning feast while waiting for my brother-in-law to arrive. The children played with their cousin for a while before we had to leave to my Mum's place just after eleven. More food, followed by my Mum's lunch. I was already ready for a nap by then.

We were joined by my Uncle. My boys soon got restless as my sister and her children were in Melaka for Raya.

Their cousin and a classmate of them came to visit late afternoon. And boy, did they enjoy it. So much so that they forgotten about Smurf 2. I was sure they would remind us about that tomorrow. The visitors kept on streaming in until late, and only now that I got the chance to sit down and blog. A long day it has been.

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Cuti Raya Day-1

It sure had been a hectic day, but more fir Anita than me. She was still at the kitchen now perfecting her laksa. She reckoned that she would be at it past midnight.

All the main tasks completed. Satay, checked. Rendang, checked. Lemang, checked. Ketupat, checked. Next on the list would be laksa and bolognese. Everything going according to schedule. As well as the cleaning. We had four helpers coming in for the day, with three staying overnight - my parents' maid, our maid and her friend. Two of them Filipinos. Cleaning was tip top!

The boys were upstairs playing with sprinklers. The whole house was smoking! My task would be to get the gaji melayu in order for tomorrow as well as putting the bank notes into the ang pow. Easy task!

Right! Much to do now. Will blog later. Selamat Hari Raya!

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