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Entries in Family (440)


Wedding at Nilai

The first order of the day was to Nilai. My cousin, Shari, finally got hitched and we attended the reception there. We left as scheduled, at around 10.30 after my morning rounds, and reached the venue about an hour earlier, relatively early. After mingling around, and enjoying a splendid lunch - the food was actually very good - the happy couple arrived, in white. Quite rare these days to have Malay wedding with a white theme. But white it was.

Most of the family members from Penang made their way down here. My Dad was due to sit on the high table, but when the couple arrived, all hell broke lose, and Dad ended up having dinner at hour table instead. An hour after we finished eating. To accompany him, I went for seconds .....

After we were done with the food and met all the extended family members, it was time to go. As I mentioned, we would be spending the night at A Famosa, before driving further down to Muar tomorrow.

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The Final Journey

While my Grandmother's jenazah was being prepared for burial, I took the opportunity to mingle around and catch the atmosphere through my camera.

Since I didn't want to appear too distracting, I used my iPhone instead and processed the captures into black and white for dramatic effect. The camera nearly ran out of juice as all together I took close to 150 snaps.

Now that I had the chance to look through the snaps, I decided to put in some narrative hole the memory was still fresh. I have therefore dedicated a whole page for the slideshow. I would put up choices of either to go through the pictures sequentially with some narration, or breeze through them randomly through a flash slideshow.

Most of the stuffs are up and running now. Just press here to get to the page, I called "Dadi's Final Journey". Enjoy.

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Hollywood and Exit

Finally we reached the exit. But before we left, we stopped for tea at one of the cafe there with a big sign saying HALAL up front. Time for some sandwich. And proper meat!

While we were waiting, the park characters started to file in. Marilyn Monroe. Some Elvira-type character - which turned out to be a man in drag. And finally, KUNG FU PANDA!

We got to meet, or at least, I got to meet Kungfu Panda. Awesome!There were plenty of food hereAnd, the drag queen entered the scene.Of course I got my photos taken - with the panda not Marilyn as the queue was too long. We were also entertained by a Beach Boy type sing-a-long at one of the stage.

More shopsAnd, of course, the Walk of FameMore shopping and chilling. Before we knew it, the boys were already tired. We finally made our way to the taxi stand just before 5. Just enough time to avoid the evening traffic ......

Right outside, there was still time for more photos though. A nice day out indeed.

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Madagascar turned out to be a sleeper hit. The stage was huge and from far away you can see the hull of a ship. Similar to the one in the famous movie.
Into the belly .....
They were all excitedLook at the size of that .....Time for a breatherBut Irfan wanted to get on with things ....There were a couple of rides here, and we took the softer - but relatively wetter - option. The ride took us into the belly of the ship using a vessel, complete with splashes and puppet show. The rocking soundtrack on the background of course and before you leave at the other end, your whole family would be singing - "I got to move it, move it!, MOVE IT!"
Catchy indeed. And then we had popcorns and soda before we made our way to Hollywood for more food and gifts ……
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With the Family

After the morning clinic, I went straight to my Mum's to join Puan Anita and boys, plus the rest of my family - aunts, auntie and cousins for a gathering. My nephew, Imran finished his Koran reading and it was celebrated with a kenduri. It was unfortunately that I could not come earlier. By the time I reached Mum's place, some of the relatives had already left.

None the less, I missed Mum's cooking. it was great catching up with family, and I hang around until the boys became restless. Truth be told, I was tired by then from the previous evening call. I went straight to bed right after, then headed back to the hospital for my evening rounds. finished the rounds, I brought the boys and Puan Anita back to Mum's. For dinner this time.

This morning, before my morning round, I joined them again for breakfast, but minus my boys of course. They were still in bed then.

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