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Entries in Home (85)


Morning Blues

I should have followed my instinct to wake up this morning and head straight for a photowalk in town. But instead, thinking that the weather outside was gloomy, I headed straight back to bed. It turned out to be nice and sunny outside.

I have some open house to attend, as well as a small kenduri by a neighbour - a fellow lecturer, a Cardiologist from UMMC - who have recently left for private practice. That would start with doa at noon, and I would be attending with my Dad-in-law.

After that, I would have to head into town to buy some birthday presents for my nieces and nephew for the party tomorrow. I would be at Julia's place for the party, as the designated photographer cum favourite uncle. Better get the batteries charged and the lenses cleaned.

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Sunshine Sunday

Woke up to such glorious sunshine, even though it was not such a smooth night, with both Idlan and Irfan coughing all evening. Idlan was still carrying a fever. At least it made waking up for sahur that bit easier.

Now that Astro is back, the boys were looking forward to Animal Mechanical and Imagination Movers at around noon. And as usual, Dad would join in. The fever is still there, but both of them had a hefty breakfast. Idlan was running around a bit earlier, which was good.

So, enjoying the sunshine at home while I can. Rather do that than joining the crowd doing Hari Raya shopping at Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman. The place would be packed, and the weather would be searing! Happy Sunday all!

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Fever. Allegedly. 

Idlan allegedly had a fever. Well, he did reach 40 degrees during late afternoon. He does not usually take naps, but he did so this afternoon. We knew then that something was not right.

After a 3-week break, he returned to school last week. Some of his classmates had been absent throughout the week. It was not a surprise then that he finally had a temperature.

After paracetamol and a nice nap, he woke up, and by the time we were done with Iftar, he and Irfan were up to their usual antics. The lounge was a right mess by the time they were ready to brush their teeth. A stern warning from Grandma soon put them in order!

Braving ourselves for high temperature during the night. At least we would be up for sahur.

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Desk Clear-up

So, after the boys were settled in school, Anita went out for some shopping with her Mum, leaving me alone at home. Had plenty of chores though, and I planned to clean up my desk. There were full of junks and the old receipts were everywhere.

Managed to get my act together, and sat down, going through each of the papers and drawers one by one. Found old letters, photographs and certificates from the meetings I have attended over the years. The shredder machine would be working overtime later as some of the documents were quite sensitive, especially bits from my research data. Those would need to be disposed of properly.

Apple does make some nice boxes. Shame that this would need to go into the bin as well.By the time I was done, it was time to fetch Irfan from school. Another chore needed doing later though - to buy stamps for my Hari Raya cards. I'll probably do it later when I go out to Pasar Ramadhan. I would fancy taking my camera out to shoot some Raya decor though.

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Staying In

Well, we decided against going out today. With the boys having their Ustazah dropping by for lessons in the afternoon, and Anita and I spent the whole morning out and about, we decided to cook. Anita prepared nasi ayam. So, there won't be any complaints from me! It was my favourite when there were just the two of us living in the UK.

We might take the boys out later on after iftar, as they have been kind of restless. Maybe just a drive after prayers. They would be back to school next week, and to be fair, they deserve another outing or two before then. We shall see where we got to ….

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