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Entries in illness (13)


Enough Drama

Things were more or less back to normal except for Irfan still missing from his kindie class. Anita was feeling better although she still got the runs. And I would be on call again tomorrow.

We even managed to do some groceries tomorrow, although we decided against buying outside food for dinner. So, it was a quiet night in, although Idlan had plenty of homework to do.

I need to get to bed early as I have a full day of clinic, then the evening call to do. I would then be spending he night alone at the apartment .....

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Time to Go Home

Puan Anita ha a comfortable night last night, when her friends came to visit and kept her company until almost midnight. A good night sleep after that and she only needed to go to the toilet again the next morning. Not much tummy ache anymore, and much less dizziness or headache.

She still hated her medicine, but her appetite was back. The Doctor allowed her home this morning and by the time I finished my clinic, she was all packed-up. The boys - Irfan especially - had been calling her all morning. Idlan was at school, and when I left him at the school entrance this morning , he made me promise that his Mum would be back later that day.

We reached home by the time Idlan arrived from school, and the boys spent the next hour all over their Mum. Anita still had to take her medications for the next few days, but I was sure she would be fine by the weekend. She had a trip to the spa all planned out for Saturday .....

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It was Anita's Turn

I was woken up by my maid just before my alarm went off at 6 this morning. Anita had fallen in the toilet.

She had been having stomach cramps all night last night even though she was normal earlier that evening. She did not sleep well, but there was no nausea or any need to risk to the toilet. But the pain just got worst and she finally went to the loo in the morning, and it was profuse diarrhea.

She then felt dizzy, with a slight headache. She shouted for the maid and managed to unlock the toilet. She then found herself on the floor after that. She was covered in cold sweat when I reached her, but able to response when I was talking to her.

I showered her and we packed her things and went straight to the Casualty. She was dehydrated at the time, but was much better once we started the IV drip going. She needed admission.

She was much better once she reached the ward even though she had to go to the toilet four more times before lunch. Time for some medicine then .....

She was more worried with our boys. Idlan had also been having stomach cramps for the last few days. He vomited last Friday evening, and had been having diarrhea since. Very likely it was him picking a bug from school, and passing it on to Anita. Good thing that Irfan was doing well, otherwise it would be a major headache.

Good thing about her wing admitted into my hospital was the fact that it would be easy for me to continue with work and all that while Anita was still in. In fact, I have a full clinic this afternoon and I plan to cut down on the number of patients for tomorrow morning's clinic. I may have to send Idlan to school before that.

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