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Entries in Marche (24)


Closed for the Weekend

I think Puan Anita got my virus from the other week. She has been having fever since Wednesday, which only subsided after she sneaked out for some antibiotics yesterday. She would not dare tell me since me being a doctor and she knows my feeling about antibiotics. This being a virus, antibiotics was a definite no-no! She felt better after the dose yesterday, but still having aches in her body, and so was Irfan.

A quick car rideFeeling better, she needed to pick some order up that she made some time ago from The Curve, so we went out there with Idlan for lunch. Idlan wanted to go to Marche, and without Irfan, he was really happy with all the attention. Today being Labour Day, the crowd was heavier than usual, but since we got there before noon, parking was easy. Idlan wanted to go straight for lunch. I had my usual well-done rib-eye steak, but unfortunately it was done too well. It was dry and almost black ….. Better remember not to ask it to left on the grill for too long!

My very well done steakAfter lunch was done, quick shop, then back home as Irfan did not want to eat. We ordered Domino’s for delivery when we got home for him, and some toys. I think we need to stay n this weekend, which was a shame since I was free for the couple of days and the weather was gorgeous. I will be at work next Sunday, and was working last Saturday. I might sneak out to check on the KL Design Week tomorrow, as a few of my KLickrs friends were involved in the exhibition over at CapSquare. Then it will be a nail-biter of an evening with Liverpool playing Chelski, followed by United at Sunderland. It the results did not go our way tomorrow, Chelski would be crowned Champions. Let’s hope not eh!

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It has been a while since we frequented Marche or even The Curve itself. We did it today and I took my parents along for lunch there. My sister and her children also went along and the children really had a good time, running around all day. Wondered when they would get tired. We initially settled in for lunch at Marche. Yes, the pizza was back! One of our cousin now works there and he prepared the Margarita for the boys. I had my steak, parents had their chicken cops, etc. Puan Anita did her shopping at the Sunday market there. We then walked over to the Croc shop at IKANO, but disappointingly, the sandal I wanted was out of stock. Bought a pair for my Dad as he wanted one, and then did some groceries. The children then had another session at the playground at IKANO.

Yums!My sister, JuliaPizza lovingly prepared by our cousin, ArifAlmost done!The market today was rather quiet compared to the ones before. Maybe it was the time of the year, it was Easter Sunday after all. The place was usually buzzing during festivities, as the management really made the effort to decorate the place. Nothing much going on today.

Idlan and Irfan, running around with their cousin, NanaMore runningAnd then the carWe finally left just after 4 pm, heading to Bukit Antarabangsa to join my parents.

Back at Bukit Abtarabangsa playing with YayaI was still sleepy when I got to my parents place. I stayed up to watch more football match even though the main one ended disappointingly with Manchester United getting beat by Chelski! I could vouch that it was all down to the linesman’s myopia. How could he missed the offside on Drogba’s goal? Scandalous! My Mum prepared the evening coffee while I settled down for Formula 1. Haha! Schumacher’s engine burst! Well done! Vettel finally won a race after deserving so in the last couple. We were lucky that the race was not spoilt by the evening rain again like last year.

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More video uploads

I have been clearing up the clutter on my desk for the last couple of desks, and that included all the clutter on my PC, thumbdrives and my other USB drives at home. Most of the files had been streamlined, but some of them just need compressing. The ones that needed some work on were my video files. They needed conversion into smaller files that can later be converted into DVD movies. So I went to work.

Managed to transfer the ones I don't need and convert the ones I wanted to work on. The problem was, the files were all in HD and was taking up a lot of disk space. I managed to convert most of them into YouTube files now. I'll probably upload some in the next few days. The above was just some of the samples


Taking Mum to Lunch at The Curve

My Dad was pestering me for quite a while for some Western Food for lunch. He wanted some Roast Chicken. Since everybody was free last Sunday afternoon, I took both my parents out. Puan Anita wanted to buy some shirts for the boys as well at The Curve. We arrived rather later than usual and was caught with the heavy traffic on the way in. With the school holidays and end of year sales, the crowd was bigger than the usual Sunday.

Entering the main foyer at The CurveDon't touch!

After having our lunch at Marche, we decided to have a quick stroll around the place while Anita went about to do her shopping for the boys. The Xmas decorations were in full show, complete with carol singers, Santa and his helpers. Unfortunately Anita's flu was taking her down and after only half an hour, we decided to return home. She has been having fever for the last few days, and it was about time she saw a doctor. It all started earlier in the week when she took my maid to see a local GP after she complained of painful eyes. She had some infection there and was given some drops. While waiting to see the doctor, there were a few patients with heavy cold at the cramped room. She started having sore throat the same evening.

I was trying to figure out why this cute Santa helper was wearing a table round her waste?The main foyer was transformed with the decorations

We went to a clinic in Bukit Antarabangsa where my parents lived. she was given antibiotics and since then had been feeling much better. We spent the rest of the afternoon at my parents, just sitting around while Anita had some chicken soup.

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Idlan making pizza

As part of the school holiday activities, Marche at their the Curve outlet held a pizza-making workshop. We enrolled Idlan in. The workshop started just after lunch, ran for a couple of hours. The kids were thought about hygiene to start with. Everything, from apron to the dough were provided. All we had to do was turn up.

First, the dough need flattening! I kept asking him to do it mamak style but he refused to get in touch with his roots!I think he needs a stoolThere were about 12 of them in the group and I think Idlan was among the youngest. Few of them I am sure were already in standard 4 at least. They started off with just the base, then adding it the tomato paste and toppings of cheese and pineapple. Since Idlan was too small, he had to go onto a platform in order to reach the trimmings and put them on his pizza. Idlan was grinning all the way. After the pizza was prepared, all of them went into the oven. It took about 20 minutes to cook and the young chef took the time to mingle, take pictures and drink some juice to cool themselves down! Even though it was not exactly Hell's Kitchen, it was still pretty hard work for them. Eating time came next. Unfortunately we did not get to keep the cute little aprons. In the meantime, Irfan was sulking as he also wanted to join in. Unfortunately he is still too small.

Now comes the hard partThe staffs there were really friendly and I can tell they were really prepared for the event. It was held at the front entrance of the restaurant, in the shades by the main walkway. The instructions given were very appropriate to the young boys and girls. They were showed how to carry out the instructions. After everything was done, the participants were given a certificate, plus the recipe for the pizza they have just made.

... and it's ready!Irfan reviewing his brother's bakingAfter everything is done, it was back to Kung Fu time!All in all, it was a very well run event. There are other workshops coming on, but I don't think Idlan is keen to bake muffins. The pizza-making workshop is held on Monday, Thursday and Friday afternoons during the school holidays. It cost RM20 to register. Just Google for Marche or click here or here to find out a bit more. It was great fun, I would recommend it to other parents for sure. The slideshow for the workshop can be seen here.

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