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Entries in pet (3)


A New Addition

Our track record when it came to pets had never been a good one. I was not sure what got to Anita when she bought a couple of goldfish in a tank and parked it in our room. Maybe it would be trial run for a wall aquarium which I had been talking about for the last few months.

Idlan and Irfan had been taking turns feeding them. We had yet to need to change the water so far. I wonder who would be doing that. While we were away, our maid was given strict instructions about the feeding, as if she didn't know. She would probably taken better care of the fishes than us .....

Let's see hong the fishes would last this time around ...

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Morning Market

Proper belacan this ......This was not your usual morning market. This one was in Kuala Kangsar, on a Saturday morning. Why do I feel like blogging about it? It was because the food were cheep and delicious. It was not very big, in fact we only got the food from a few stores.


We had nasi lemak, putu, apam balik and roti john. There were also fresh meat and fish on offer but since we would be staying until tomorrow, we probably drop by again tomorrow to bring some food back home. We probably spent RM50 one of the food store and in Kuala Kangsar, RM50 was a lot of money.

It ended with teh tarikOn the way out, we passed by a small stall selling pet fish - ikan semilang. We got a couple for the boys. Irfan’s was a blue - he christened it ‘Blue Peter’ and Idlan’s was light lavender colour which he called ‘Fat Bob’. Let see how long they can stay alive this time. Judging from the experience from their previous pets, not very long!

The new pet - Fat BobIrfan feeding his 'Blue Peter'

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Raya Shopping Time

090906 - The Curve 1, originally uploaded by Haris Abdul Rahman.

Yes, it's something I had to do. Even though most of the clothes and other things has already been sorted, we had to shop for some shoes among other things. My wife also have some book to order, so we headed for The Curve in Damansara. Since we did not sleep after sahur, W fed the boys early and was out of the house by 10.

The decor at IKANO Power CenterAt The Curve, the shops were just being opened. At the center of the main foyer, there are stalls being erected selling mainly clothes and accessories. There is also a stage presumably for fashion shows later. After picking up a few things we then stumbled across a pet shop at IKANO. We wanted to get some food for Peter and Jane, but turned out expanding the collection. We came across some hermit crab similar to the original Peter that we found in PD the other day. We picked it up plus a couple others.

Cupcake anyone?We reached home at lunchtime and the boys are already hungry. My mother-in-law asked if we were able to take her to Great Eastern Mall as she wanted to buy some tableware. No problem.

After lunch at the Chicken Rice Shop, we went to get some clothes for Julia's daughter, Nana. It's her birthday tomorrow. We also got some toys for the boys. Rather than heading straight back home, we stopped over at the Pasar Ramadhan at Ukay Perdana and Melawati. I finally made it home at 5.30. It's 8.30 now after dinner. I am just too tired to go for Terawikh. I'll pray at home instead.

The pets are all fed, the boys are already calling to put them to bed. Have to log off.

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