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Entries in Puss in Boots (1)


Puss in Boots

After a couple of weeks lay, we finally got it together and managed to catch "Puss in Boots". There were no excuse rally after spending almost the week at Sunway Pyramid, we hopped onto the cinema.

Getting the tickets were rather tricky at the beginning as thee were only late shows, except for Thursday. when we shoed up, the movie was marked with the letter B. What did that mean? The lady at the counter did not do a great job explaining. All she said was it was in a special theatre. 3D. No. Just a special seating. She was more interested in which seats we wanted.

It turned out that the B stood for Beaniplex, and all the seatings were actually beanbags. Nice! Irfan enjoyed it so much that he started bouncing up and down on the bag. As for Idlan, he was more worried that the place was cold and went around looking for blankets! It was no Gold Class I was afraid, so blanket for him.

The movie was actually great fun. Enough to entertain both the adults and kids - and the kid in the adult as well. The plot slowed down after the customary grand spectacle, but the pace soon picked up again. I actually rate it higher than Smurfs and Alice in Wonderland in term of plot. But the boys did not really care. The laughed at the jokes and were in awe with the animations.

There were plenty of classic one-liners, and the tie in and the twist of classical children tale was rather clever I thought.

The Beaniplex was also rather good, if only the management took the trouble to explain what it is - not really explaining it verbally, but rather have adverts or leaflets. It was cosy and not too cold. The beanbags could make you slouch rather if you were not careful, but the kids loved it.


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