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Entries in Sri Utama Schools (13)


Long Day of Firsts

It had been a long day. For Anita especially. I only joined in at the beginning and at the end. A hectic day of zooming across town to sort out my clinics, reaching home via a referral at Ara Damansara. Now looking forward to a nice dinner and a nice relaxing evening.

Irfan had an exciting day. First day at Year One and also his first day at Al Manar Academy, even though he had had lessons at home from an Ustazah who came once a week. He managed to skip a couple of classes today as he could already read the Quran.

Anita had yet to grasp that she would have a six hour gap during the day which she could enjoy in the middle of the day. She would find something to keep her busy after looking after the kids since Idlan was a baby. Now with both of them at school from 8 to 3, more time for her.

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First Day

Anita hardly slept last night. She was still up when I woke up to go to the toilet at 4 am. She couldn't sleep, and watched TV instead after getting the boys' bags sorted out. I was sure she was groggy all morning.

Irfan looked nervous during breakfastWe reached the school at 7.45 and went straight for the assembly. Irfan settled in very well when he went into his classroom. He was familiar with the class teacher from his kindergarten days. Then teachers then updated us with the new teaching system. They did away with the black boards and whiteboards, going all digital now. And it wasn't just a normal digital board. It was projections and one just had to use a special stylus on the projection to interact with it. Neat! But let's see what it could offer.

I had to leave after 9 to start my clinic. Anita would be coming back for lunch to meet up with the boys. It wouldn't finish yet as Irfan would be attending Al Manaar for the first time this afternoon. So, I would be coming home early to take him to school this evening.

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He Graduated!

After three years in kindie, Irfan would be joining Year One next year, and the whole school knew it. Even the Principal came of to talk to Anita as she already knew of Idlan.

On the last day on kindergarten, the children were celebrated with a scroll-giving ceremony, with all its pomp. I actually managed to attend as I reshuffled my clinic schedule to start a bit later.

Irfan's graduation ceremony started at 8.30, and after the speeches, hey went straight for the scrolls. The show and singing came later, giving the opportunity for the working parents to slip out early.

Irfan with his scrollIt was fair to say that Idlan was boredThe event started with a procession, followed by speech by the School Chairman and the Principal. Next came the choir, before the children were introduced on stage. They lined up one by one, remembering to thank the Chairman and bowed. Those from Years One to Three were also there in the audience, meaning that Idlan was there to see his brother. The ceremony was done by 9.15, and I was already in the ward for the rounds by 9.45. Perfect timing.

Anita stayed for the Teachers and Parents meeting later.

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