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Entries in Sri Utama Schools (13)


Full Morning

It was back to business thisbmorning after the short break to Melaka. Today would be the boys' last day at home. School starts tomorrow for them.

This morning, Anita and I did what other parents did, sorting out the fees, books and school uniforms. Most of them were already ready apart from a few of the books. Some of the books would only come in later in the week. Next it was the stationary.

We managed to get most of the stuff's sorted out by lunchtime. That included a quick trip to KLCC for the school bags. Luckily Anita had a driver who took us around the place. Things were done much quicker that way. Should be lunch next....

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Prize Giving

Again, no clinic this morning. But the occasion this time was the prize giving ceremony at school. Started early and despite the series of speeches, it didn’t take long for the event to get going and I was already back at the hospital for my rounds by 10 in the morning.

This time around, I brought my mother along. She never been to see Idlan and Irfan collect their prizes before. So, the first order of business for me was to pick up Mum from Bukit Antarabangsa. The traffic was a breeze though, so we reached the school earlier, just as the boys were assembling.

Irfan was the first to pick up the prize, as he was in Year One. He got a plaque and a few rolls of certificate for being highest in subjects. Idlan's turn came a bit later, in Year Three. He also got a plaque and certificates. They then returned later as Irfan got the prize for "Most Polite Student". I was not sure how much Irfan pay his teacher to get that one!

All lined up on the tableThe School Principle giving her speechI left right after the prize giving, while Anita went to see the teachers to pick up the report cards before lunch. Our driver sent our parents home by then as it was quite a long wait. There were cultural shows after the prize giving, for which both of my boys were not involved in. I left well before that.

Both of the boys were still buzzing with excitement after picking up their prizes, and had already called be a couple of times. No doubt they would be asking for toys soon. But, they still have their Al Manaar exam this afternoon ….

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Bad Week

This couple of days had been rather hard for Anita. The school changed the assessment criteria and as a result, the students had to submit project by the end of next week and two-weeks notice. And between the two boys, there were 26 projects needing to be passed in.

And to make matters worst, those projects would form 30% of the final marks. All this was down to the recent - I meant a month ago - change in Principal. A new headmistress from Australia I think.

Determining to cause a stir, I thought she tried to make these sweeping changes to prove a point. As a result, the children - or in our case - the parents suffer. Both of our boys had taken ill with high temperature over the weekend. Irfan was back to school today, but Idlan was at home.

The whole situation had put our proposed Kota Bharu trip in jeopardy.

We have yet to make the final decision about the trip, but we would know by Friday where we would be celebrating the Raya next week.

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Concert Started 

I managed to reach the concert hall just in time for Irfan's performance and managed finger them on camera. It was in a big group but Irfan started right at the front. Getting the spot at the front of the stage was also a challenge with all the competitive parents around.

Am now waiting for Idlan's turn and his would be towards the end of the show. In between, we managed ribcage something to eat. I visited the boys at the ready room but they were bit allowed to leave. Poor Irfan had to wait for his brother to finish.

Funky lightingGoing upstairs to fetch the boysIt was less havoc outsideThe main hall was getting emptied as we neared the end. So there shoukdnt be much hassle when Idlan's turn came. I would be sitting right at the front with my camera.

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Up Tonight 

I was not having the best of days today as ny patient was getting ill. I was up until the early hours, but still the patient deteriorated. With not much sleep, I carried in with the ward round and clinic. And minus breakfast went straight after my shortened clinic across to Sentul to attend my boys' school concert.

But first, I would need a quick bite. Luckily Puan Anita had some food waiting for me.

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