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Entries in Sri Utama (25)


Sports Day

Going through the photos from the last couple of months, I realised that I did not blog about the boys' recent School Sports Day. It was held at UIA main sports stadium, on a Saturday morning I happened to be free that weekend, so I became the designated driver. I was also asked to give away the prizes for the kindergarten. Irfan happened to be one of the participants.

Getting ready for the paradeIrfan and his friendsI knew I was not fully equipped when I only turned up with my dSLRThe weather that morning was gorgeous. Too hot in fact but luckily the boys' events were amongst the first. But first, there was the serious business of marching. Both of them were involved, Irfan with his kindergarten group while Idlan was with one of the main houses, the Yellow House, Rajawali.

Usain Bolt, eat your heart out!The anchor was a bit chubby.That was why they came in only third!As usual, the marching was rather elaborate, and sometime made me wonder if that was the main event rather than the sports. A good hour passed until all the procession were done. Then, Irfan started his telematch - three games all together where everybody ended up with prizes. Idlan participated in the 25m x 4 relay. He came third and missed out on the medals. That became the main topic of talk for the rest of the day since Irfan returned with a medal. Idlan said it didn't count as it was me who gave the medals away. He kept asking me if I have any extra.

We did not stay the full event. By the time their events were done, it was already close to 11. We left for lunch at The Curve instead.



Children are imaginative, aren't they?

Idlan was given some homework the other day where he had to draw his parents, describing what they do for a living along the way. Initially HR was confused as to how to draw his Mum and Anita was at home all the time, occasionally doing work for my father-in-law. He however thought that she tended to shop all the time ...... and the rest they say was history!

So, Dad is a Doctor, and Mum is a shopper!


School's Opened

We went to bed early last night. The boys were already tucked by 8.30 pm, all in preparation for an early start this morning. Today was the first day of school year for the both of them, with Idlan going into Year One. But the unexpected happened. Both Idlan and Irfan woke up at midnight, and Idlan only managed to go back to sleep at 4 am.

We managed to get both of them up by 6am and ready to leave the house just after seven. Amazingly, Idlan not only finished school at 3 pm without a fuss, he went to Sekolah Agama from 5 to 7 pm. Plenty of energy this boy, and not only that, he played a round of Wii after dinner and only just now went into the bedroom. Irfan was already sleeping at 6 pm and hopefully, he wouldn’t wake up until the morning.

The boys were excited with their new school friends. Irfan had 21 students in his kindy class, and according to the teacher, it will be split in the next few days. As for Idlan, there were 15 in his class, most of them new friends. The class division for Idlan was rather confusing in the beginning, but it was sorted out by the end. We have already got their books last week from school, so that bit was already organised. The main fuss on the day was the fact that the canteen was closed, and for the term, food will be served in class. Since Idlan was be fussy eater, Anita was worried, and sure enough when we asked him today, he hardly ate anything for lunch.

Irfan finished his class at midday, so while waiting for 3 pm, we went over to IKEA to pick up some more stuff for our newly renovated room. While there, we sampled the famous Swedish meatballs, and finished them off with some ice-cream - Irfan’s favourite. Then it was time to sort Idlan out. He was all excited with school today and couldn’t stop talking about class and his new friends. Surprisingly, he was still up for the Sekolah Agama, where most of his schoolmates from kindy still goes to.

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Sports Day

Everybody woke up before six this morning to get ready for the Sports Day. Irfan was most excited. After all this will be hist first. Idlan woke me up to make sure we will be at the school by 7.30 am. Surely we left the house just after 7, right after they have had their breakfast. By the time we reached school, the crowd was already gathering. I must say that the teachers were just as excited as the pupils.

The main fieldKeeping the scoreApparently, the main track and field events were held earlier in the week. Today, there were mainly telematch, marches, parades and awards ceremony being held. The kindy pupils participated in the marching at the very beginning, followed by a dance routine that Idlan was involved in. There were also shows by the individual sport houses, tent decoration competition, tug-of-war, and fun event for parents. The shows were actually quite fun.

Idlan getting preparedSo was IrfanThe medals on offerIrfan’s telematch was fishing. Basically, he used a magnetic rod picking up some toy fish. There were only six pupils in his class, so it was all done within a few minutes. The same can’t be said about Idlan. He had 2 games. The first was rolling tennis ball around triangle markers using badminton racket a la hockey. I must say Idlan was the slowest. He tried to make sure he did not hit on anything, going gingerly across the bend and all. I was yelling at the top of my lung getting him to go quicker. Typical parents I thought. The second event was rolling a ball between classmate legs. He was getting tired by then with the hot sun and spent more time scratching his head than concentrating on the game.

Waiting for his turnIdlan after his dance routineIdlan during telematchIrfan getting his medalNext stop, the parents game. The task was for a partner to feed the spouse watermelon. Puan Anita in her heels ran across to feed me I thought all together half a melon. Bearing in mind I did not have much for breakfast. I nearly throw up! Suffice to say we did not win. Then came the award ceremony. Everybody got a medal, and Irfan was very excited with his. We were done by 10.30 and headed for brunch. We got home in the end just after 1 pm and had a long afternoon nap. Irfan only woke up at 6 pm. He was not asleep yet by the time I wrote this. Plan for tomorrow? I have already bought tickets for ‘Alice in Wonderland’ for tomorrow midday show. That should be fun!


Irfan's First Day at School

It was a big day for the household. It was Irfan's first day at school. We were apprehensive as he clearly said that he still preferred to go to his Pingu school rather than joining his brother. He was clearly was not keen to put on the uniform after his bath.

We went to bed very early last night. Everyone except for Puan Anita was asleep by 9.30. So, waking them up this morning was not a problem. After breakfast and shower, it was time to go. There were many new faces. New students joining Idlan's class mainly. We got Irfan settled into his new classroom. His teacher, Teacher Julie was expecting him to join, so she quickly came over to take Irfan away. He only have five classmates as his was the youngest class. Next came the assembly. Poor Irfan had to stand at the very front and you can see him slowly getting worked up. Fortunately, he did not create a scene. Back to the classroom then.

After some sing-a-long and colouring, we can see him much more settled. We then quickly sneaked out for a quick breakfast. By the time we came over to pick him up, he was running around excited. He really enjoyed his first day at school and can't stop telling his Granddad afterwards. We then took them out for lunch at Great Eastern Mall. Idlan dozed off to sleep on the way back as he was rather tired, but not Irfan. It's now just after 9pm and he was now past asleep. Looking forward for another day I suppose!

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