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Entries in Sri Utama (25)


Show Was Done

Both Idlan and Irfan had finished their performances. As mentioned on my Flickr and twitter feed, the stage was amazing and the shows were actually much better than it was last year at least.

Irfan went on first first, to perform a disco dance. Very cute. Idlan later did the twist. Both were smack in the middle, and now I understood why they were rather apprehensive this morning. They were both point of references. A tall order that.

Irfan's dance involved him prancing across the floor and prancing he did. Idlan's was a more subdued choreography, and he mainly stayed with the same partner, an Australian girl. He did not want to let her go in the end. Gosh!

I got my videos as well, and my God did I have to jostle for space. There were so many parents with cameras everywhere. It was rather easy for me as the two boys were right in the middle. So, now I was just waiting for Idlan to finish his snacks before we head home. Time to sort out the photos next.

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Almost Starting

The plan to wake up extra early this morning was shattered with the fact that I decided to kill the alarm off. It was too cosy on the bed with the boys that I decided to delay. We ended getting out of bed after 8 which was actually a touch late. Well, we did go out for a nice dinner last night.

As you had guessed, it was our school concert this morning. The hall was in Sentul and despite setting off on tine, little that we expect q traffic jam at 10 in the morning. Well, I guessed anything was possible in KL. Got the driver to dropped us off, and Ee rushed up the stairs to get the boys to their teachers for last minute touch ups. Managed to get a nice seat, one which I can get up near the stage easy to get some videos. So, looking forward to that. And another thing. The VIP was late again ......

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Practice makes Perfect

This Saturday would be the Sri Utama Musical for the year. Both Irfan and Idlan would be involved and again Irfan would be getting a prominent role right in the middle of the stage. From the looks of things, he was really looking forward for the big day, and have been practicing hard, including in the car. As of yesterday, he had lost his voice from shouting too much. Let's just hope that he would be OK on the day.

Similar to last year, the musical would be held in a hall in Sentul. They have had full rehearsal and I suspect the dress rehearsal would be tomorrow. Yup, my camera would be traveling with me on the day. So, come on boys! Let's have some!

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Party preparations

It turned out that preparation for Idlan's party at school this Friday turned out to be more complicated than usual. Initially we wanted to do just a close family affair. Unfortunately, after getting a couple of presents on Monday from his classmates, he went all excited and told his teacher than there would be a class party this Friday! So, we had to conjure up something for it.

This morning, Anita spent a few hours in Bangsar sorting out the cakes and party packs. The pizza were already confirmed from the other night, and all that was left were some drinks and tidbits. Anita was confident everything would be doted for the day, although I had to come home early today to help here pick the cakes up.

After that, it should be Kung Fu Panda on Saturday morning, provided that the weekend ward rounds were sorted out, of course!


Practice Makes Perfect

How unfortunate. Idlan would be celebrating his seventh birthday in the exam hall. Since being in Year One, I have lost count on how many assessment he had gone through. And it was not even half a year yet. There would be another one starting Monday.

Idlan wearing his artwork!More preparations

For that, he has been practicing his Maths and Arts. For Arts, he had to prepare a birthday card as the topic, which was both appropriate and ironic. Maths, Sciences, Ugama and Moral, English and Bahasa would come later in the week. I have promised both Idlan and Irfan that I would take them to watch Kung Fu Panda next weekend, regardless of how they did in the exam. To be honest, exams this regular in the first few years of their schooling life was rather too much.