The apprehension was clear during breakfastI have been to the School Concert for the last four years now. out of the four, as I mentioned, I enjoyed the last one best. Because this time around, it did not attempt to take itself too seriously, like the previous affair. This year, it was more straight forward, smoother in general, and the participants seemed to have had more fun. It ended on time as well, and I was able to take in more of the show than I did before.
Anita doing Irfan's make-upClearly someone was getting boredThe opening ceremony went with a bang. Quite literally.The show started with the choir, singing a Batak numberFrom what I gathered, the concert this year only took three weeks to prepare. I remembered from before, it once took about six weeks. In the scheme of things, that was rather too much. Maybe the three weeks preparation period made the show mo focused and less convoluted.
Idlan taking his spot on stageAll was done with IrfanNot sure what they were discussing in the endThe relieve was clear right after the show.
School is Back
So, the boys were back to school today. We managed to get them to bed by 9 pm last night and when they woke up, both of them were super eager. Idlan was more eager than Adik though. He was singing in the minivan all the way to school.
Today would be the first day in the new school year for the International stream. Idlan being in the UPSR stream started his final term now. Most of his friends just came back from their holidays, so they were trading stories when we arrived. Adik's good friend, Fatima just returned from Nigeria after a month break.
The assembly today was extra long since the new International students were given a brief introduction. New classes were also assigned and it looked like Idlan may be changing class for the final term.
Idlan was eager while Irfan was more subduedI noticed plenty of parents were around as well, mainly for the new intakes. Mostly foreigners, with apprehensive children, and Dad all smiles carrying their dSLR and shooting away :) Mum obviously asking the teachers a thousand and one questions.
The assembly went on and onWhile the new parents listenedAnita was still with Idlan's class teacher at the moment I was drafting this while Irfan was busy running around with his classmates. Look like both were OK since during the holidays, they tended to go to bed well past midnight sometimes. Happy Schooling!