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Entries in toys (9)


Sure was Messy

We left the boys to their own devices today wince we were out all day attending rumah terbuka and other things. When we arrived back home, the room turned into a right mess. The toys were strewn everywhere.

We got the boxes in to sort out their old toys since we planned to give some of them away she the time come for us to move on. Some of then we wanted to hand down to relatives and some we might want to keep for sentimental value.

Sorting them proved to be a challenge. So, it looked like we had to start from scratch again.

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New Pair of Nerf

I got the boys a pair of new Nerf gun and all day yesterday, they were a mess out of the room. I couldn't even get any reading done, and gave up halfway through a tennis match on TV. When they finally slept, I could observe the damage done in the room ....

So, the maid had to get all the bullets back from underneath the cupboards and tables. And the process started again as soon as they got back from school.

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All Stacked Up

The boys had an epic Lego battle last night, the one that they lined up on the floor the evening before. Lego bits were everywhere, but when I returned home this evening, all the bits had been stacked neatly.

Not sure how long that would last......

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This is War!

I went to bed early last night with my head cold, leaving the boys to run riot in the main room. So, when I woke up this morning, this was what I saw on the floor next to my table, with a warning from Puan Anita to navigate around the toys.

Not sure what they had in mind but surely I would find our soon enough!

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Them Toys

The toys I bought for the boys from Kyoto proved to be a hit for the boys. Both of them, among others got a remote controlled car each. And oh boy, they literally slept with the cars last night. Irfan especially enjoyed it.

This evening, the room was transformed into a race circuit, complete with ramps and guard rails. Surprisingly the batteries were still not depleted. It went on and on. It won't be long until the cars would be broken I think. But, for the time being, hopefully the cars would keep them occupied for the next week or so .....

More on my Kyoto trip here.

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