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Entries in vacations (2)



After we decided to call the afternoon trip earlier, I spent the the rest of the afternoon updating my blog. Plenty of the entries from the Fraser's Hill trip were still not uploaded since the photographs took a bit of time to edit. They had been ready for the last few weeks but I didn't have time to update them. they were now finally up.

I then collated the entries into a stream of links. Next would be to put together the Ramadhan entries into one coherent link group. I may do that later tonight while waiting for United to kick off the new season. That would be 3 am though, and I was not sure if I could stay awake until then. I may have to set the alarm up then ....

Good luck to me :)

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The Lost World

It was no secret that The Lost World was inspired from the Jurassic Park franchise. There were dinosaur aplenty, a wet ride, a high roller-coaster and other exhibits as well as area for wall scaling.

The wet ride looked fun. We quickly put our cameras and bags into the locker, and armed with a plastic poncho, we jumped into the big round floats. Again, the express pass helped a lot as that particular ride was very popular.

The start was tame enough. A pleasant boat ride across smooth water, listening to anecdotes about dinosaurs. But that soon changed.

I wonder how many people we could feed if we scramble those eggs?Makan Time .....There were even dinosaurs in the middle of the cafeThe ride became faster, a lot wetter, until you reached a tunnel. You were then lifted onto an elevator ....... and I would keep what happened next as a secret. Suffice to say that I got myself wet and my socks were soaked. so, consider yourselves warned .....

Nothing scary here ....In fact they were far too cuteAnd here comes the cutest baby dinosaur!We then had lunch at a nearby cafe, which served halal food. Another quick walk to the "Raptor Hatching Area" before moving on.

Next, it was "Far Far Away".

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