Breakfast at The Smokehouse
This entry was originally written in September 2016
Breakfast at Smokehouse had always been an enjoyable experience. But gone were the days when you woke yourself up to the aroma of freshly baked croissant.
The breakfast now was a more sedated affair. I remembered back in 2009 when the place had a proper cook, the smell really perked you up, and you could even order some leftover scones from the day before.
The English breakfast was also a full plated, kept you full for the rest of the day affair. Now, it was nothing more than just some sausages and a piece of bacon. Even the fresh fruits were just some melon. It used to fill a whole plate. Then came the croissant which were really supermarket level being heated in an oven.
I ordered some omelette but it turned to be just some glorified fried eggs. A sad affair.
It just reflected the decline of this once great place...
Maybe some people wished that they can stay as far away from civilisation when they go on holiday. But for me, it was the opposite. I wanted to be connected. In fact, it would be the only time which I can be connected without needing to worry about work. Where I could blog to my heart content and get connected!
Here at Smokehouse, there was hardly any good connection. I had all three telco connection with me - Celcom was down to just EDGE and crawling at that. Digi had 3G, but the speed was well below 1 Mbs, in town, with most no connection at Smokehouse. Maxis was possibly the most acceptable, registering HSPDA in places but still very poor speed. Again almost nothing at the hotel.
So, the best bet was wifi. The hotel actually had wifi but the speed was really, really poor. Pathetically poor in fact. Back in 2012, I could get 5 Mbs here, but now, forget it!
I had to listen to my boys complaining all day about the connection. Hopefully they would appreciate the 5Mbs connection they had at the apartment from now on. They couldn't wait to get back to base, and so was I. Hence, I was not able to blog - although sometime I got lucky! I still managed to get the occasional emails and WhatsApp connection. So, I you wanted to be connected all the time, Smokehouse was not the place for you .... But imagine if there was LTE there ......