Xmas at The Curve

I spent most of the day today in bed. Since yesterday evening I had been troubled by sore throat, I knew something was brewing. I went to bed pretty early but was woken up by cough and shivering. Paracetamol helped but the sore throat continued until the morning. By breakfast I was not able to swallow anything, so I was not able to go to Kelang today. Instead I spent the whole day doing some slides, getting through some paperwork, and generally just taking it easy.
Complete with carol By the afternoon the fever subsided. I was able to walk around a bit. The boys has been rather restless today, and by early evening they insisted on me taking them out for a drive. Since I hardly have eaten anything, Anita was keen to take me out for dinner. I wanted to have some soup and finally relented. We headed out to The Curve. For the boys, The Curve equals Marche.
For the Christmas period, the main foyer of the curve has been transformed into a winter wonderland. The transformation was pretty drastic to be quite honest. There was Christmas Carol singing as well as the oblogatory Santa’s Grotto. Unfortunately there were no Santarina. They were stalls selling ornaments and cookies. After a few snaps, we decided to head for dinner. I wasn’t in much of a mood to walk around anyway. I had some pizza and mushroom soup. The Swiss mocha was nice and it did wonders for my palate. The boys enjoyed the time there especially with the very nice indoor decor and lighting they had in the restaurant. I felt a bit better after dinner, so we decided to have a nice evening walk. Few more snaps, and I felt that I needed more paracetamol. Time to head home.
A more subdued IKANO Power Center
Topped off by Puan Anita buying a couple of umbrellas
I wish that I had a bit more time to walk around enjoying the decorations. Unfortunately with the flu and sore throat that was just not possible. I don’t think I would have enjoyed it that much. Anyway as you can see I managed to get a few nice photographs to share and I bet it was going to be jam-packed during the weekend with all the Christmas shoppers showing up. While at Marche, we also booked them up for a gingerbread-making session some time during the last week before Christmas. I think this session will be on a Wednesday afternoon and we booked both Idlan and Irfan to join up. Something to look forward to.

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