Happy Sunday

I was too tired to watch the United game last night - it kicked off after midnight. Irfan had fever and all of us went to bed earlier than planned.
I managed to do the post-processing of my photos - all 300+ of them before waking up and uploaded them onto Flickr overnight.
Woke up early this morning to do some more uploading as well as planning entries for the blog for the coming few days while I still got ideas on my head. Plenty to write actually.
I have a few patients to see in the Ward but not too many. I can afford to head out a bit letter. To enjoy the Sunday morning drive I supposed. I was due to visit my Mum this weekend as well. She had an appointment coming with her Cardiologist next week as well. Better get that sorted out.
So, a full day from the looks of it. I better get the entries written up before the Ward round. The internet connection had also been good overnight. No hitches I hope.
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