Lego Movie

As part of Irfan's birthday weekend, we took the boys for the new Lego movies. And a few of his buddies attended as well. We filled up a couple of rows and caused mayhem to those who were there. But it was great fun.
The movie itself was something unique. It featured Lego animation. And by animation, I didn't mean stock motion stuff. It was difficult to describe actually. One of my friend saw it in 3D and felt that the effect was seen a lot more.
It was a standard fare, with beautiful graphics although the storyline was rather a disappointment personally. It did its job however as all the children screamed for Lego toys at the end of the movies.
In terms of recommending the film, it wasn't exactly the worst movie I've seen in the last couple of years. Decent entertainment value, but that was just about it. Nothing special. I was also surprised by the fact that it was rated PG13. Maybe because some of the dialogues were quite crass.
Now that the movie was over, we could get on with the rest of the weekend festivities ...

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