Afternoon at Hospital Ampang

Often, I would be at Hospital Ampang to either deliver talks or attend a meeting. Today was the first time that I was there as a visitor. My brother-in-law developed an abscess which needing operating and he was admitted via the Casualty yesterday. Anita was with him all day sorting it out, while I was on call at Subang.
I must say that the experience was much better than she expected and my brother was given great care.
Finally, after my morning rounds, I went straight across town to Ampang, joined by Anita. It was about time that my brother was wheeled into the operation room. He was nervous.
Then, one of the House Officer recognised me. She said I used to teach her at UM. Always nice to know.
My brother-in-law waiting for his brotherMy brother was just being wheeled in. I had to go to the lobby as the phone signal at the operation theatre waiting room was a bit suspect. Being post-call, I was sure my phone would be ringing.
The operation should take under a couple of hours. My father and brother-in-law was also on the way in, and I would wait to fetch them from the lobby.
I still needed some rest after the busy night last night. I would probably be sleeping in the bench at the waiting area before long.
I must say that our experience thus far as a patient and family members had been great. Hopefully it would continue to stay as so.

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