The Congregation

No! I'm not talking about the scale of bersih here. But my sister and her children joined us for the weekend as we have a family wedding to attend later tonight. And it had been havoc so far.
They arrived just in time for lunch, and after that came the time to hit the supermarket fro some proper grub. I lost count on the amount of ice-cream that they bought. Suffice to say that my fridge is now full. And we probably would leave them at the apartment with the maid when we go out tonight. Otherwise we couldn't stay for long.
After the trip to the supermarket, everybody sat in front of the TV. The flipped the channel and settled on "The Conjuring". Yes, a horror movie! I suspect that all of them would be up all night tonight!
So, looking forward to a fun night tonight. Plus ManYoo would be playing at 11! Must make sure that Anita is not watching it. We drew the last time she did when we should've won!
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