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Entries in delicious (3)


Christmas Eve

It was a actually a great day out for us for Xmas Eve. After work, I took everybody out to Bangsar Village, where we had lunch and did some shopping. And shopping we did. I got myself a few shirts as well as hanging around with the boys while Anita tried out some clothes.

My boys went berserk on these Lego. Luckily they were tucked away behind a glass shield.A mountain of Ninja-go!The Dude and the Duchess. Our new favourite clothing shop!Very trendy clothes they areTime to murder some ice creamIdlan doing the murdering. With a bib of course!The messy aftermathAfter a stop for ice-cream, and then we went to the park. Ran around, for close to an hour before heading for an early dinner. We were lucky since the the place we went to - Delicious at Dua Residences - were filled to the brim by the time we left. There were Christmas Eve dinner as well as parties going on at the venue. And the food was great. I decided against roast chicken however, and had some steak instead.

Time for Christmas Eve dinner!TIDAK HALAL!By the time we reached home, everyone was tired. I was asleep at the sofa well before 10 pm and the boys had to wake me up to get back to the bedroom.

It was a full day indeed!

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A Simple Birthday Lunch

The plan was to have a party this weekend. It will still go on on Saturday but since I was at home, everyone insisted that I came along for lunch. We took Irfan to Delicious at Dua Residency along Jalan Tun Razak. Anita's parents were also there. We brought out Irfan's present and we did have a great time.

We also brought along a cake to school for Irfan to celebrate. According to Idlan, everyone sang and Irfan blew off the candles. Cake was gone in record time. As for this Saturday, everything was booked at Fit For 2. We were not planning for a big one. It will be Idlan's turn for a big party this year. That has already been booked even though his birthday is not until May. It's good to plan .....

Delicious was empty when we got there but it soon filled up. Anita wanted to try Full House at Jalan Yak Kwan Seng but they were doing some construction work there today. Never been there but from what I heard it is a good joint. Maybe next time. As you can see, he got the Lego set he always wanted although it certainly not for his age. I spent the whole afternoon fixing it up for him ... and it was now in pieces again .... I've given up since ... 


Breakfast is served

We woke up early today and decided to take breakfast outside. We headed for delicious at Jalan Tun Razak. The last time we were here was back in June I think. About time we have our fix of traditional Western breakfast. A break from the usual nasi lemak and roti canai.

We got there just before 9.30 and ordered tea and hot breakfast. The boys then had a good run around the restaurant and we finally got back to the car at 11. Now, that was one big breakfast.