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Entries in Gombak House (10)


Water Reserve

After the event of last weekend, we decided to stock up on the water supply. Well, nothing much, but at least we kept some drinking water handy just in case.

The water disruption took only a couple of days to be rectified. And with the heavy rain in the last few days, hopefully the next series of disruption would be long time coming.

Should there be mote disruptions, we would probably spend some time at the apartment instead of Gombak. The area was spared from the last series if cut and hopefully it won't run dry.

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Selamat Hari Raya

Selamat Hari Raya. It was a really nice day, getting to spend it with my family without any distraction from work for a change. And I started my day with the visit to the mosque, just a five minute drive from my house.

We were lucky that we were there early as before long, the place soon filled up. And the caretaker forgotten to open up then third floor of the praying area. He already left for his kampung the evening before. Plenty of people ended up having to pray on the pavement outside. Luckily it wasn't raining although it threatened to do so.

As soon as we reached home, it was time for the morning feast while waiting for my brother-in-law to arrive. The children played with their cousin for a while before we had to leave to my Mum's place just after eleven. More food, followed by my Mum's lunch. I was already ready for a nap by then.

We were joined by my Uncle. My boys soon got restless as my sister and her children were in Melaka for Raya.

Their cousin and a classmate of them came to visit late afternoon. And boy, did they enjoy it. So much so that they forgotten about Smurf 2. I was sure they would remind us about that tomorrow. The visitors kept on streaming in until late, and only now that I got the chance to sit down and blog. A long day it has been.

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Let the Fogging Begin

We got a phone call from the Health Authority yesterday about having the house fogged since my Mother-in-law was down with dengue. The call was from the authority in Kuala Lumpur, since the house was under KL postcode. But after a short conversation, we were under the jurisdiction of Selayang, due to some geographical border. The two authority were yet to communicate with each other since they from a separate state.

We decided to get a private company in while the two authority trash things out. They came earlier this afternoon, and things were sorted out rather well. We left the windows open for the fog to enter the house and hopefully get rid of the pesty little mosquitoes.

Luckily the boys were out at their Quran school, as otherwise, Idlan especially would have freaked out. It took about an hour before the fog settled down. Hopefully by now, the place were Aedes-free.

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Back to Gombak

After a two weeks stay at the apartment, moving back to Gombak proved to be a right downer. We were having such great time there and it was a shame that we had to pack things up and drag ourselves back. It also meant a return of my long commute in the morning, but unfortunately it had to be done. It had been a couple of days, and only now that I felt like blogging. It was that depressing.

The boys were also glum. We left most of their new toys at the apartment, but brought back their Wii. We promised them that we would spend a few more days at the apartment after Raya, just before they return to school. I would be on call the first day I would be back to work next week, so they would be at the apartment for that.

As for now, we were gearing up for Raya this weekend …..

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Idlan and his asthma was really driving everybody nuts at times. We tried changing the beddings and pillows. No change. We got rid of the cats. He was still sneezing. We spend a small fortune on air purifiers and special ‘suck all’ vacuum. No luck. We even change out bedroom into a newly renovated space. He was still coughing at night. The funny thing was, the coughing seemed to disappear when we stayed at either our apartment in PD or the kampong house in Kuala Kangsar. The difference was night and day. We were convinced then that it must be something about the house or the room. It was on the same level as the main kitchen for a start. That will need sorted out.

We will start renovating our old room, turning it into a new living and study room. We will move some of the clutter from the bedroom out and hopefully get some fresh air in. We have got some new furnitures in as well. We also got a new LCD TV, and will connect a new ASTRO system in there - b’yond of course. Since it would be separate to the bedroom, I would be able to enjoy some football without bothering my in-laws in the main living room. I will be taking pictures on the renovation everyday to see the change!

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