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Entries in Minecraft (2)


Early Birthday Present 

As mentioned, Irfan's birthday would be round the corner. He would be turning 8 next month.

After his exams last November, I asked him what he wanted for the holidays. He told me that he wanted to buy a game on his Xbox. He wanted to buy Minecraft.

Off I went searching high and low for it, but to no avail. I went everywhere, my usual dealer and a few more. No luck.

I had to put an order in in the end.

So, this afternoon, I received and SMS from the vendor at Plaza Damas. The game was finally in. Didn't waste much time. I went to collect the order and since this afternoon, both Idlan and Irfan had been in front on the TV in their room playing with not. Luckily, they had a two players mode and we had a cpuple.of controllers.

I really couldn't figure out what the craze was, but all their classmates were playing it. They would talking about it until the Chinese New Year I was sure.

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Happy Friday Evening 

It was finally Friday, which meant iPads were out from their hiding place for the weekend. Apparently there had been an update to their favourite game, Minecraft. Quick update, and fir the last hour they had been in front of their iPads.

I never quite understand Minecraft, possibly because I never had the time to get into it. But my boys and their friends in school were really into it. Idlan and Irfan could even log onto the WiFi network and play together. Still I couldn't figure out what the excitement was all about.

According to Irfan, with the latest update, he could bake cake, milk cows and built more stuffs. Idlan's favourite seemed to be the lava tiles.

Never mind then, I need to chill out since I would be on call tomorrow. Anita had been in the kitchen for the last 30 minutes. And it smelt nice ........

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