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Entries in water (2)


Water Rationing 

There was a planned repair at the apartment, and as a result, the water pipes would from the mains would be switched off for a day and we would be relying on the apartment tanks.

Taking remedial steps, we decided to keep some water in the bath and bath the boys traditional style this morning. Myself and Anita woke up very early before the tap was switched off and hopefully there would be water still in the tank to last the day!

As a result, we had a wet bathroom for the day!

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No Water

The water shortage fever had finally hit us at Gombak. We ran out of water this afternoon prompting a call from Anita earning me about it. But it was too much of hassle turning round to have a shower at the apartment before returning home with the traffic jam and all.

And with the water shortage, we had to have dinner outside as well. Double hassle on a school night. That meant picking the boys up from their Quran class and drive out to get food. By the time dinner was done, it would be 9 already. And we would pray then that the water would be back so that I can have a shower.

Well, we were still out since the boys didn't touch their food at the restaurant earlier - the food was bad. We were now waiting for pizza, in the car waiting for the order. I was sure I would head straight to bed once I was done with the shower ....

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