Free Morning

Irfan developed temperature again overnight, and I suspect that he may have had some trapped mucous in his lungs causing it. The temperature settled agin this morning, but we planned to take him to see his Paediatrician later today.
The original plan was to bring him in this morning. But it turned out that his Paediatrician only has afternoon clinic on Wednesdays. So, Anita had to bring him alone later as I have my own clinic then.
As for the morning, I was free. I usually venture for back fast in Bangsar after my ward round - I purposefully do not have clinics on Wednesday morning. A nice mid-week free time I built into my schedule since is joined Subang. But this being Ramadan, I was just stuck here at the apartment reading the news and doing some paperwork. And the weather outside was gorgeous as well .....

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