It Rained!

I got a free afternoon post-call and I had to settle my bills and buy some toner for my printer. Where else to go but Bukit Bintang and of course Low Yat.
The highlight? The new Mac Pro - which I got the chance to sample first hand - and the rain had returned. And it returned with a vengeance!
Luckily I was stuck at Low Yat during the rain. More excuse to just take some time and cruise around for a bit.
The Samsung Chromebook caught my eyes, but I couldn't justify any use case scenario for the time being. I got wifi at work and Gombak House. Blazing broadband at the apartment.
So, I shall be dreaming if the Mac Pro tonight .... It would have to wait for a few more months until we move proper to Bangsar. No space at the Gombak House at the minute.

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