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Entries in Bangsar Village (39)


Some Haagen-Dasz is always nice

After Berbuka last night, I had to drive Anita and Irfan to Bangsar Vllage. She had to return Idlan's baju Melayu. It was too big. We managed to exchange for a smaller one. But boy, was Bangsar crowded. It was Friday night after all.

The packed foyerWe reached there close to 9, and the shops will be closed in an hour. In the foyer of Village 1, there is an open market. There are stalls selling Raya clothes and hampers and the likes. The hampers were particularly nice, though they are not cheap. I suppose you get what you paid for. The acid test was whether the Raya cookies in there was as nice as it looked. Therefore, we insisted on trying some. Surprisingly they were good. Enough reason for Anita to splash on one. I'm not sure who she plans to give it too.

A cousin of ours used to do hampers and deliveries in the last few years. I am not sure if she is doing it again this year. She said that the return is good, but it was hard work, especially the delivery part. She was still making deliveries on the evening of Raya.

I have taken both Tuesday and Wednesday off. Coupled with Monday being 'Merdeka Day', I will have 5 straight days off work which is nice. Initially we wanted to travel to Penang, but in the last minute we decided otherwise. We will be heading for Port Dickson instead later today. A couple of days holidays for the boys. That would be nice. Planning to do a bit of street photography while I am there. Shame that I can't go for my Assam Laksa and Teh Tarik in the town because of Ramadhan. The stall might be opened at night though.

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Bangsar Outing

My nephew is due for admission again tomorrow for the planned op initially canceled on Wednesday. He was penciled in for the first on the list on Monday. We decided to take him out today.

Irfan and Idlan @ Fit for 2

When we sent Irfan to school last week, we noticed a Lego workshop in Bangsar Village. My nephew being an avid Lego fan was keen to attend, hence the visit today. With the father's day coming up in the next few weeks, Bangsar Village is running a father and son look-a-like contest. Anita obviously was interested, and we duly obliged.

The cosy interior of Fit for 2Lollipop for Irfan

While waiting for the Lego session to finish, we went to a cafe in Village II called 'Fit for 2". A neat chic little place, basically with emphasis on mothers and their babies. Not only that they have a decent selection of baby food, they also have activities such as yoga over there. The furniture are very neat, with a little corner for toddlers. The joint might be difficult to find if you are not familiar with Bangsar Village II. Get the lift to the top (third floor). Yes, the one with Celebrity Fitness. It is right on the opposite end, on top of MPH. Unfortunately right opposite is the Kiz Gym .... and that's where Idlan and Irfan was headed.

We finished things off with lunch at Madam Kwan.

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Irfan's First Proper School Day

Finally Anita got her wish. She always dreamt that one day, her kids will be attending school and she will have the day all to herself. Today is a step in the right direction. Irfan attended her first proper pre-school day.

The day obviously started early. We sent Idlan to school first just before eight. Got Irfan ready, and off we went to Bangsar. Irfan attended the Pingu's English class, just opposite Bangsar Village II, a strategic place for Anita to indulge should she be able to in the future after dropping Irfan off.

We were rather nervous at the beginning, not sure if he will cause a ruckus. In the first 20 minutes or so Irfan was rather quiet. The principal and owner of the centre, Puan Sarah was there. They were expecting another child but he/she did not turn up. While Irfan was getting introduced to the place - and watching a couple of episodes of Pingu of course - Anita was chatting with the principal. She is the sister of the founder of Krista Kindergarten and she herself owns a couple of franchises in Setiawangsa and Melawati. The idea of the Pingu's English school in Malaysia has always been her idea for a while now, but due to certain circumstances it was only launched last year.

She appears to have vast experience. She studied initially as a fashion designer in Melbourne before going into education. She did pre-school training in London and has been involved in schools and kindergarten to a certain extend for at least the last 10 years. She certainly was very approachable. Looking at her we realised that she has been in a few magazines and newspaper articles before.

Currently there a around a dozen of students. Since the classes were scattered, we have not met any of Irfan's fellows. He will be attending the classes three times a week, lasting an hour each. So the school run will be rather interesting. As soon as Irfan finished his class, Anita will have to rush to fetch Idlan.

However today, Irfan did not want to go home at 11. I had to fetch Idlan by myself and then took him to Bangsar. The first day went well. No tantrum. He enjoyed his colouring and plasticine work. Looking forward for tomorrow's class.


After class we had lunch at Bangsar Village, then went to Kiz gym for the kids. Anita was checking out Fit for 2 next door. Quite interesting. A keep fit thing for mum and baby. The shop was empty though but the food looked nice. We drove home around 3, and the two boys were fast asleep in the car and did not move a beat when we took them into their bed. Hopefully Irfan still have the same enthusiasm for Pingu tomorrow.


Pingu School for Irfan

Entrance to the School

I'm on leave today. First thing's first. Have to go through the checklist. Amongst the things needing sorting out is getting Irfan and Idlan to see their Paediatrician in Pantai Hospital. At least Irfan did not freak out this time and that took skill!

One of the classroom

Next up, pre-school for Irfan. Destination - Jalan Telawi, Bangsar. Venue - Pingu School. Toot! Toot! Oh My God! They couldn't stop running. The school was empty at the time. While we were chatting with the teacher, both of them were of course watching Pingu.

The boys naturally was watching Pingu

The school is next to the familiar Madam Kwan's restaurant opposite Bangsar Village II. It was right at the top floor. The program were divided into three stages according to age and reading ability, from three onwards. We have to start from the basic for Irfan. 

Pingu saying Goodbye

The class is opened from Monday to Saturday and classes last for an hour, three times a week. Our main concern is leaving Irfan alone at the school. We are sure there will be drama. We enrolled him for a month starting in May. We will then see how things goes. The school days are still not planned since it pretty much depends on how many students joined up.

As for me. Need to rush to get a pair of gym shoes. Playing badminton tonight with the ex-Terendakians.

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