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Entries in Bangsar Village (39)


To the Apartment

It took us a while to get the packing done. And then, there was the small matter of dinner and groceries for the apartment. The baggage was still in the van, and it would take at least another half an hour of unpacking before we could settle down.

The boys took their time to finish their dinner, so we decided to split up. Anita went to sort the groceries out. By the time we were done, it was close to 10pm. Luckily our apartment was only 10 minutes away.

After a bit of heavy lifting, we unpacked and about to settle down. I need a shower .....

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Groceries Time

The weekend has arrived and it would be a busy one. It would be the start of school holidays and as expected, the town was packed. So was the trunk roads leading out KL. The boys would still be in school though but Monday would be off since tomorrow would be he school concert.

We would be at the apartment from this evening, so, a quick stop for groceries at Bangsar Village, followed by a quick dinner take-out. We tried Basil tonight. A Thai outlet, and we shall see of they were any good later.

The boys were all excited for the concert. Idlan was still buzzing from the class birthday party yesterday. Not many photographs though since the designated photographer - Irfan - had a stage freight. He kept the camera in the case instead.


Budget for April

After Puan Anita left to pick the boys up from school, I hang around Bangsar Village and soon found myself at my favourite spot. The Starbucks outlet at Bangsar Village.

I only had a drink because I was still full, and set out doing my budgeting for April. As usual, I predicted that I would be broke within the next 10 days ......

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Free Morning

Monday and Wednesday mornings were supposed to be my free morning, when I only have clinics in the afternoon. Still, it was not often that I had some time to myself. This morning was an exception and it was such a bliss. I had the choice of either the Oscars, or a bit of a me time.

Me time every time.

Armed with my iPad and a Moleskine, I headed to Bangsar to get some errands done and spent the late morning at my favourite Starbucks. In the last month, that spot is only a five minutes drive from my apartment. And set out to plan the rest of the months.

I then realised that I needed to sort out my budgeting. Moving to the new house, and the coming trip to Kora Bharu is not going to be cheap I'm afraid. Even at the beginning of the month, I was now officially broke .....

Need to work harder I supposed ....

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Bad Experience at Ben's

We finally had the chance to sit down for lunch at Ben's General Food Store. I was meaning to do this after the visit when I accompanied Idlan for some pizza. Today, I sampled some food, and the service there first hand.

On the previous visit, the restaurant was only half full, and I commented on how good the staffs were. It was packed today, with queue outside, and the service definitely eroded. Not only that some of our orders were messed, the waiters had the cheeks to come over and explained what we did wrong. Apparently, since we ordered mains which included salad, the starter salad we ordered would come together. But the problem was, the orders for starters and accompanying salad were completely different, and still the waiter insisted that we ordered wrong.

Playing spot the foreigners ....The food preparation area ....Anita was hungry at the time, and was rather mad at the waiter, and we had to explain again what we ordered and how we insisted our orders to be prepared. It was finally rectified when the shift manager came to speak to us.

The pizza for Irfan was fine, but apparently, we had to pay for the the extra parmesan - something we did not have to do three weeks ago. Hmm! Odd. Maybe in three weeks time, we should be forewarned to bring along an oxygen tank just in case we would be charged for the air we breath. You never know!

Irfan went hyper after all the fizzy drinks ...The pizza has arrived ....Told you I was not into green peas .....I think, the problem was not so much the food, but the "we know best" attitude of the staffs there. Anita thought it was more to do with the fact the majority of the patron that afternoon were foreigners, and hence we were treated as second-rate customers. To be honest, I kind of agree with her. Unfortunately, this was still true in many of the more affluent areas and hotels in the capital. I guess, all of us have the urge to please the foreigners more than our own people ……

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As a result, I had to reduce the rating for this outlet, and warn that it may be best not to visit it during busy hours ….. unless that you are a foreigner ….

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