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Entries in fever (35)


I Look Chinese

Idlan woke up at 5 this morning coughing and sneezing, an couldn't stop rubbing his eyes. He then suddenly screamed saying that his eyes won't open. He jumped out of the bed, switched the lights on and was still screaming. From the cough, I can tell that his asthma was playing up. Irfan had been having sniffles for the last few days, and it won't be such a surprise if Idlan were to have one as well.

I then took out his inhalers and was shocked to see his face. It was swollen, especially below the eyes. He could hardly opened his eyes, and I then asked if he has problem swallowing. "It felt stuck". A quick listen to his chest. Wheeze. A couple of ventolin puffs, and off we went to Gleneagles.

Four more puffs ensued, and by that time, he was breathing a lot better and started joking. "My eyes look like Chinese, Mum". Indeed it did.

His wheezing was better at the Casualty and I gave a couple more puffs for good measure. No temperature and he had been sneezing non-stop. Antihistamines, eye-drops, inhalers and some antibiotics should do the trick.

He was back at home, and would be missing school today. I'm having breakfast at work at the minute, but this being a Wednesday, I should have a free morning. Might go home and give him a quick look. Still wondering what triggered it.

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To A Different Clinic

I finally made it back to the apartment at around 3.30 am after sorting out the admissions. I was more like a zombie when I woke up this morning.

After sorting out the morning rounds, Anita told me that Irfan couldn't sleep properly last night because of his coughing. Time to take him to the Doctors.

Unfortunately, our family Doctor tended to take Sunday off, leaving his surgery manned by a couple of locums. And this afternoon, the clinic was jam-packed.

I have been waiting for close to an hour now. Irfan looked OK, although he was a bit bothered by not having his iPad around with him. But I guessed, everything would be OK when Daddy was around :)

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Treated for Breakfast

As expected, I was asked to sleep in the study last night. Could not sleep well. Woke up at around 4 am, with a mega sore throat. Time for some drinks and a bit of painkiller. Switched on the TV, and caught the later parts of the England-Wales match. Dozed off to sleep with the TV on after that.

I felt much better when I woke up after the Subuh azan. Time to wake Anita and the boys up by then. After she sorted out the boys at school, we went out for a spot of breakfast. Anita had to buy some books in Bangsar, and she treated me with breakfast at La Bodega. Felt much better after the warm coffee and more medications.

Still cosy and quiet at this early hoursAnita and her order of drinks. Mango juice and English breakfast teaThe order of 'big breakfast' came with sausage, bacon, mushroom, baked beans and toast. You can then select how you like your eggs.The sauteed mushroom actually tasted a lot better than it looked.Yup! I was done!I must have eaten too much, and felt bloated after that. Well, you would expect that if you just took egg benedicts and other side orders wouldn't you? But that certainly cheered up my morning. Just returned from fetching Irfan from school. The myalgia was still there, but better. Time for some more medications and some reading. Found a few interesting article about the Putera UMNO mission to Somalia, the one which got the Bernama cameraman killed. Sounded like there were than met the eyes ….. and the plot thickened.

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Full of Medications

We got to Pantai rather late, just after noon. Luckily the Paediatrician, Dr Azam - an old colleague from UMMC - was free to see us before lunch. We were soon after, and before long, the boys begged for some lunch.

In the last month, Irfan had been coughing at night, with fair amount of phlegm. We tried some ventolin inhalers, but with only marginal improvement. As for Idlan, it was the fever he had since Friday. It was still spiking this morning.

Azam made a few changes to their regular medications as well as started Idlan on some antibiotics. He also found that Idlan's tonsils were a bit swollen. He also needed some nasal spray to reduce his rhinitis. So, the next week would be a full day for Anita sorting out their medications.

Idlan should be able to go back to school, but by the afternoon, Irfan was starting a temperature. We had some antibiotics for him as stand-by. It looked like he would need them. He would also need to be off school tomorrow.

LunchIdlan were soon full of beans ....Were they feeling ill? Not quite. They were creating havoc at the hospital lobby! The video uploaded here.

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Sunshine Sunday

Woke up to such glorious sunshine, even though it was not such a smooth night, with both Idlan and Irfan coughing all evening. Idlan was still carrying a fever. At least it made waking up for sahur that bit easier.

Now that Astro is back, the boys were looking forward to Animal Mechanical and Imagination Movers at around noon. And as usual, Dad would join in. The fever is still there, but both of them had a hefty breakfast. Idlan was running around a bit earlier, which was good.

So, enjoying the sunshine at home while I can. Rather do that than joining the crowd doing Hari Raya shopping at Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman. The place would be packed, and the weather would be searing! Happy Sunday all!

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