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Entries in Kuala Lumpur (79)


After the Trip

So, what did the boys got me from the Tower? An absolute zip! Idlan bought some chocolates. Irfan bought a pen. That was about it.

But tonight, both of then were tired with the exploid. Idlan especially enjoyed his time with his buddies. He was talking about it all night during dinner. Irfan did not have much to tell, but they seemed to have enjoyed the trip.

Next school activity would be their school concert next weekend. It would be in a Saturday afternoon. Hopefully I would be able to reach the concert hall in time after my clinic. It was too late to cancel it already. Looking at the list, if would be a busy one.

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The original plan was to have an afternoon by the pool this afternoon after coming back from lunch. But, soon after we returned, the heaven opened and it was raining heavily at the apartment. And with the rain, the urge to sleep was too great, and I was soon snoring away in front of the TV … why not eh?

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Zoo Negara Slideshow

As mentioned in the previous entries, our Zoo Negara is in a sorry state, and I felt that things could have been a lot better. Lack of funding should never be an excuse. For the entrance fee we cough up to get in, we should expect more. Some downsizing maybe?

The visit was blogged here and here.


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CNY Looming

Kuala Lumpur's traffic was definitely getting lighter as more city dwellers headed home for the Chinese New Year. The drive into work today had been smooth, but I was lucky that I set off early. I was already in the ward before 8am. So, when I started my clinic just after 9, I was surprised when I looked out of my window. There was a long tailback heading towards Ara Damansara and Subang Airport.

According to one of the patients, there had been an accident on the road heading to the airport. There was a car which managed to jump the central divider, ending up on the opposite lane. A smash ensued and traffic had built up ever since, clogging up the Federal Highway both towards PJ and Shah Alan. The road had yet to clear until about noon.

The drive back was a bit smoother though as most of the traffic were heading on the opposite direction. I'll be on call tomorrow, and I wasn't really sure what to expect on the admission front. I was due for a quiet on call by the way ....

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KL Back to Normalcy

I overslept this morning, and driving from Gombak to work, I paid the price. Put it this way, I was reminded of how the traffic in KL was actually like. The crowds were back, schools were opened. and the customary an hour's morning commute to work was back. Bless!

I set off well after 8 and by the time I reached work, I was rushing already to start my morning rounds. Luckily thee was no clinic for me on Monday mornings. I was able to take my time going through the cases, before returning to the apartment for lunch and to pick up the Wii console we left there yesterday when we rushed from Bangsar to Gombak.

Afternoon clinic was a lot lighter and I was able to catch up on some paperwork, and of course ad the news. Last weekend was a busy one with all the admissions after the Raya break and visits to friends and family.

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