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Entries in Kuala Lumpur (79)


Heavier Than Expected

I woke up late this morning after going back to bed after sahur. All due to staying up to watch the cycling at the Olympics last night. Woke up at 9, scrambled to shower, then out to get for my morning rounds - no clinic today being Wednesday morning. I was not expecting the traffic to be bad this morning, and I ended up getting into the ward just past 10.

Luckily I did not have that many to see, and soon, everything was sorted out again. Apparently, the traffic jam was just due to the sheer number of cars. It eased off right after the LDP intersection, about one kilometres from the hospital. I should have used the NPE instead if I were to leave a bit later than usual ….

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Bad Air Day

The sun was definitely brighter this morning compared to yesterday. It was in fact, awfully smoggy yesterday. From our apartment, the visibility was only about 100m by Maghrib. It was that bad.

We went out to the Pasar Ramadhan yesterday, near Bangsar Village area and with the smoke there, the air quality was really bad. In fact, when we opened the window last evening, we could smell the burnt stench in the air. Luckily, the boys were not effected. They were happily playing all evening.

This brought back memory of three years back when the air quart around Lembah Kelang was abysmal. Visibility was down to 50 m and you can see the sedimentation in the air even inside the house. It had not gotten as bad as that since, but I was worried that it would.

Since I was on call today, and the boys were both on school holidays, we stayed at the apartment in Bangsar. We planned to stay there at least until the weekend. My poor mother-in-law had to cope on her own with her new maid. Maybe, we would return by Friday, if the boys let us …..

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Makan at Double Tree

As I share my birthday with my Dad-in-law, it was traditional that we have dinner together. This year, it was my brother's treat, and we had it at Makan, double Tree.

Unfortunately we reached there late as I was working the day, with an action clinic. Much of the food we already gone.

The restaurant was divided into three main areas. The main Malay style food court, a second Indian offering and a third Chinese restaurant style eatery. The patron were free to mingle around.

The satay was pretty nice, but I spent most of the time at the Indian buffet. The tandoori was unfortunately overcooked as it had been in the the stove all evening I was sure. The Chinese restaurant also had a small sushi bar if you fancy a bit of Japanese.

Anita and the kids had been there before for lunch buffet. She enjoys the food there, and the service according to her were very good.

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Heavy One

For some reason, the traffic was unbelievably bad this morning. And this was even when I left just after 7. Leaving any earlier would've been a big ask.

It was usually fine, but today was an exception. It's going to be even worst tomorrow as I would be at the Nursing College for a course in Shah Alam. I might as well leave a message to say that I would be late!

At least the weather was nice and sunny and I had my podcasts to keep me entertained.

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Glorious Morning

I have never been a good sleeper when I'm on call. But last night was different. It was the first time I slept at the new apartment. After the unexpected longer than expected journey home after midnight, I went about exploring the place.

Puan Anita had bought drinks, some sushi and pizza for dinner. And she left it in the kitchen. I had taken earlier dinner, so it was a nice snack. I then went around tuning the TV. Satellite was not connected yet although the decoder ha already been installed.

Next, I opened the door to the balcony to enjoy some fresh air. I left it open overnight and slept on the breeze. The next thing I knew, it was the speakers from the mosque nearby blaring out recitals from the Koran, followed by the athan. It was already daybreak.

I ambled myself to the main bedroom, switched the heater on. Thump! The circuit breaker kicked in. Oh dear! It soon did it again the second time. Better get it fixed later then.

While waiting for the hot water, I enjoyed the morning sunrise with a cup of coffee. It was nice although my unit did not enjoy the full glory. Enough through my soon to be study window though.

I ended up having shower at the other bathroom, got myself dressed and realised that the shaver was left in Gombak .....

The drive in was superb though. 10 minutes to the hospital. On a smooth traffic. time to get some work done ....