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Entries in Kuala Lumpur (79)



"Busy Finding Money". I must admit that I am guilty of that. All those evening on calls rather than spending with the family, but ones need to make end meets however.

Came across this cabby in the usual traffic jam on my way back home. How very true!

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Meeting was Over

It was finally over. Luckily, this time around, traffic was not an issue. I remembered in the last few UMNO meetings, the road was practically a gridlock, especially at around 7, as the VIP were leaving the site, all with their accompanying police escort. At least, I have not seen any of those escorts this time around. But maybe because I tended to leave for home a bit later lately.

Regular readers to the blog understood my pet hate of the outriders. The Politicians used this unnecessarily in my opinion and it should only be used when they are absolutely needed. I tended not to give way to them. For me, it was not a matter of life and death. It was sad that people tended to give way to these jokers than they do to passing ambulances.

This year, despite not being the election year, the UMNO meeting had its share of excitement, no less with the Feedlot controversy, and the fiery speech from the Women Wing Head. Great stuff.

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Hazy Days Looming?

Was that the haze again? Weather had been better in the last couple of days - I meant no thunderstorm in the late afternoons. That I guessed brought another problem, the haze.

I noticed it on the way to work this morning but by midday, it was much better. Much better in the sense I was able to enjoy the glorious sunshine on my drive home from work. I hope that the haze would stay away, not to trigger the boy's asthma, with the school holidays and all ....

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Nice Drive In

A day after Deepavali and the traffic was really kind. I left the house later than usual this morning but still got in early. It looked like the KL crowd were still having a day off. Hopefully that stays until the end of the week.

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Predictably Unpredictable

The weather in the last few weeks had been unpredictable - well, predictably unpredictable. It tended to be glorious sunshine in the morning, on the way to work. By the time you were done with the day, it would be pouring. And we were talking proper rain here - the ones with cats, dogs and other furry animals.

It looked like that would be the case again today. It certainly is nice and warm outside while I was in clinic ……

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