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Entries in trip (4)



Irfan swore that the fusili he had on the first night we were at Smokehouse was the best he had ever had. He finished his plate in double quick time and Idlan also enjoyed his roast beef.

Back in 2009, the food here was excellent. I still remembered the chicken pie I had then. I ordered the same item but although it was better than 2012, it still way below the offering back in our first visit. My Dad enjoyed his sole while Anita was on a diet - she only ordered some salad.

It's foggy outside. And cold!Loving the draft!Great ambiance though ..... and still very expensive!

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All Them Photos

One of the pain of coming back from the holiday was going through the photo's taken during the trip and trying to sort, edit and then post them. And by a lot, I meant for the Fraser's Hill trip alone, I must've taken something like 600 snaps.

Of course, not all of those needed to be edited in the end. Some were duplicates or downright ugly snaps. But most made the cut.

It had been a week, and I was till only halfway through them. With tomorrow's event, it looked like there would be a ton more to process afterwards!

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After the Trip

So, what did the boys got me from the Tower? An absolute zip! Idlan bought some chocolates. Irfan bought a pen. That was about it.

But tonight, both of then were tired with the exploid. Idlan especially enjoyed his time with his buddies. He was talking about it all night during dinner. Irfan did not have much to tell, but they seemed to have enjoyed the trip.

Next school activity would be their school concert next weekend. It would be in a Saturday afternoon. Hopefully I would be able to reach the concert hall in time after my clinic. It was too late to cancel it already. Looking at the list, if would be a busy one.

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School Trip Day

It's school trio today for the boys and as we surveyed a few back, it was KL Tower they were headed - hence the blog entry only went online after the fact.

Equipped with a mobile phone, both of then went with their classmate and actually called Anita a few times from the tower. But they need not worry as Anita actually followed the bus, and was actually at the bottom of the tower when they were up. She was that kind of a mother. Never stopped worrying about her boys.

Since last night, Irfan especially had been looking forward to the trip. He actually packed his gear this morning, carrying with him his own wallet and my old iPhone. I got a message from Anita earlier that they were already both home, safe and sound. Lets see what they bought as souvenirs as they actually promised me to get something when they come back ......

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