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Entries in Saturday (35)


A Smooth Start

After a whirlwind start to the morning, sorting out the admissions, I had a breather at the Lounge while waiting for the clinic list to start.

As I mentioned, it would not be a typical Saturday today. Straight after clinic, I would be driving across town to a mini conference, before attending a meeting after that. Then, for dinner, it would be one of my cousin's reception. That would not be a problem as it would be near my house.

What I was worried was the traffic when it rained. This being a Saturday, I hope things would be kind even if the heaven opened.

Among all that, I couldn't find a slot for Skyfall. Hmm! Maybe Sunday matinee. Puan Anita, are you game?

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Outing Later

The morning clinic was quieter than expected. So I spent most of the morning at the Doctor's mess watching tennis. Federer was close to get an upset, but managed to turn things around. Amazing.

Idlan has assessment next week. So, it meant that we won't be having any outing this weekend. I would be on call next weekend, so not much chance then as well. So, I will be going out for a photo walk later around Pavilion. With my brand new camera ......

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Evening In

After work, we went over to Bangsar Village for a spot of lunch. After the meal, Idlan decided to burn some calorie by hitting the gym. Kidz Gym I meant. He spent a good hour there. But Irfan decided to go with Puan Anita to shop instead. He was complaining of being sleepy since he woke up really early this morning, all excited.

The weather had been rather gloomy this afternoon, and I decided against going to the pool. Instead, we bought some DVD to watch and was planning to have the evening in.

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Working Saturday

I left some documents at the office which I needed for the weekend. So I ended up heading back to the office, which brought back the memories of working on a Saturday.

I remember at the beginning of working in Malaysia of working on every Saturday. A fee months Ayer reporting to work, the then Prime Minister, Pak Lah announced that Government Servants only needed to work on every alternate Saturdays, followed by a year also later, the ruling that Saturday ws now off.

Working on Saturdays were actually useful for my Unit as the headache of organizing the weekend rounds were a lot less, the Saturday Day Care gave us opportunity to see sick patients, and scans and other tests could be organize a lot faster.

I also remembered the dress code. It was batik, but I prefer short sleeves and no tie myself. Usually we had sessions with the Medical Students and usually it was full I banter. The only problem was the traffic to get home after that, that I ended up usually leaving after 2 pm as we tended to get stuck along Federal Highways.

To be honest, I do not really mind working on Saturdays as long as other people does the same as well. I could still get a lie in on Sundays.

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Sunny Saturday

Nice and sunny morning I has been. As usual, woke up around Subuh time, then head back under the sheets with the iPad checking the feeds and the news. After a few tweets, it was the time for jogging. I wished that I have more time to do this, rather than just the weekends. I may have to get myself a treadmill machine in the future and can do a bit of stamina work indoors.

The sun and the breeze made the jog really enjoyable. The I realized that the my Nike+ network needed upgrading. But the apps was still able to register my run. I spend only half an hour before heading back, quick shower and breakfast.

Family matter today. Would be attending a wedding in Shah Alam for lunch. It was a family's friend reception, and it would be held in a hall. That was good since I can just bring my boys an they could just fill their appetite for destruction running around the hall. My nieces and nephew would be on tow as well. It was going to be havoc!

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